young woman pressing high tech virtual G button

What we offer

Smart Checklist Builder

The Smart Checklist Builder is designed to help you identify relevant GLOBALG.A.P. standards and add-ons based on your specific production processes or operations. Once you have chosen your combination of solutions, you can generate a customizable self-assessment checklist to kickstart your certification process.


Find your solutions and generate a customizable checklist

What is the Smart Checklist Builder?

The Smart Checklist Builder is built on a series of questions relating to your production type or supply chain operations. Upon completing the questionnaire, you will receive recommendations for relevant GLOBALG.A.P. standards and add-ons tailored to your specific practices. From the recommendations, you can then select which solutions to include in a checklist to be generated and customized as the basis for a self-assessment. 

About the results 

To achieve reliable results, please answer the questions as accurately as possible.

Note that recommendations are only estimated according to your answers, and the applicability of the recommended solutions cannot be guaranteed. You should always discuss your options with a GLOBALG.A.P. approved certification body before beginning the certification process.

Information that you share with us via the Smart Checklist Builder is not collected, stored, or further processed in any way.

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How does it work?

A selection of different fruits and vegetables

There are a variety of GLOBALG.A.P. standards and add-ons to suit different production processes and supply chains. To identify the initial topic of standards, users first choose their production type(s) (for example, fruit and vegetables).

Learn more about GLOBALG.A.P. standards and add-ons
Image of farm workers packing fruit after harvest

After defining the production type, the following questions determine which conditions the certification should fulfil (for example, additional coverage for postharvest operations).

Learn more about core solutions
Image of two farm workers holding baskets of harvested fruit

The GLOBALG.A.P. portfolio includes a range of add-ons which build on core solutions to extend the certification coverage and provide extra assurance on specific topics. The following questions determine which add-ons are relevant.

Learn more about add-ons to core solutions
Image of retail staff in store with a fresh produce display

Some retailers specify additional requirements for their suppliers. In this section, users can select buyers to determine any additional solutions which may be relevant for their certification.

Learn more about other party private solutions
Image of a fruit and vegetable producer downloading a digital checklist

Based on the answers, users are recommended applicable GLOBALG.A.P. standards and add-ons. These solutions can be explored in more detail by following the related links or by downloading the relevant documents.

Alternatively, users can continue the journey to generate a customizable checklist. From the list of recommended standards and add-ons, check the box(es) to generate a checklist (subject to available functionality*). The checklist can then be downloaded and customized for use as the basis for conducting a self-assessment prior to a certification body audit.

*Please note that not all solutions are eligible for customizable checklists at this time, but all standard documents can be found on the relevant solution page and in the GLOBALG.A.P. document center.

Document center

Get started

For the best results, please answer the questions as accurately as possible. Note that recommendations are only estimated according to your answers, and the applicability of the recommended solutions should always be discussed with a GLOBALG.A.P. approved certification body.

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