Image of a farmer with a tablet standing in a field

What we offer

GLOBALG.A.P. Benchmarking

GLOBALG.A.P. certification is widely trusted as a sourcing requirement for many major supply chains worldwide. Harmonizing the requirements of different farm assurance schemes cuts duplication and reduces both the complexity and the cost of certification.

Championing a “one auditor through the farm gate” principle


GLOBALG.A.P. benchmarking is the process of recognizing alignment between different farm assurance schemes or checklists and their GLOBALG.A.P. equivalents. For producers, benchmarking enables them to achieve compliance with different standards and meet buyer requirements without undergoing separate audits for multiple standards that cover the same good agricultural practices (G.A.P.) requirements. For scheme or checklist owners, GLOBALG.A.P. benchmarking provides international recognition in a highly competitive market. As a key pillar of GLOBALG.A.P. activities, harmonization creates time- and money-saving opportunities, with the entire value chain profiting from the benefits.

Infographic showing benchmarked schemes and benchmarked checklists

How does benchmarking work?

Farm assurance scheme and checklist owners can apply for benchmarking to a GLOBALG.A.P. standard, a GLOBALG.A.P. add-on, or a combination of both. A successful benchmarking process results in either a “benchmarked scheme” or “benchmarked checklist”. The key difference is the choice of certification rules that are used.

Benchmarked scheme

This is a certification scheme using its own certification rules and own G.A.P. requirements. They are both benchmarked to the GLOBALG.A.P. normative documents and have been recognized by the GLOBALG.A.P. Secretariat as equivalent to the relevant GLOBALG.A.P. certification rules and product-specific G.A.P. requirements (principles and criteria).

Benchmarked checklist

This is a certification standard using its own G.A.P. requirements under the relevant GLOBALG.A.P. certification rules. The G.A.P. requirements are benchmarked to the relevant GLOBALG.A.P. standard and have been recognized by the GLOBALG.A.P. Secretariat as equivalent to the GLOBALG.A.P. G.A.P. requirements (product-specific principles and criteria).

GLOBALG.A.P. benchmarking options

For benchmarked schemes and checklists that are equivalent to a GLOBALG.A.P. add-on, the audit must be conducted together with the Integrated Farm Assurance (IFA) standard for the benchmarking to be valid.

There are many possible combinations. For example, a scheme or checklist owner may operate multiple schemes that (when combined) are equivalent to a GLOBALG.A.P. standard, or one scheme or checklist may be equivalent to a combination of GLOBALG.A.P. standards or add-ons.

Example 1: A scheme owner operates a scheme which is recognized as equivalent to a GLOBALG.A.P. standard combined with a GLOBALG.A.P. add-on.

Example 2: A scheme and checklist owner operates both checklist A (recognized as equivalent to a GLOBALG.A.P. standard) and checklist B (recognized as equivalent to a GLOBALG.A.P. add-on).

Both examples can be recognized as equivalent to both the GLOBALG.A.P. standard and the add-on (for example, IFA + GRASP). 

What are the benefits of GLOBALG.A.P. benchmarking?

For producers:

  • Demonstrate compliance with different GLOBALG.A.P. standards through a single audit

  • Expand your market access and reach new buyers

 For scheme or checklist owners:

  • Get international recognition through GLOBALG.A.P. benchmarking

  • Gain a competitive edge through equivalence with leading farm assurance systems

 For retailers:

  • Monitor all supplier certificates in a single location via the GLOBALG.A.P. IT systems

  • Access more producers that meet your requirements through transparency on equivalent schemes and checklists

 Questions about the benchmarking process? See our benchmarking FAQ.

Harmonized farm assurance systems

View benchmarked schemes and checklists

The following schemes and checklists have successfully completed the GLOBALG.A.P. benchmarking process.

Benchmarked schemes and checklists

1 - 10 of 13



Agrarmarkt Austria Marketing GesmbH




AMAG.A.P. 2018
Fruit and vegetables







ChileG.A.P. V5.2
Fruit and vegetables

EHPEA Code of Practice for Sustainable Flower Production - Silver Level


Ethiopian Horticulture Producer Exporters Association (EHPEA)




Plant propagation material
Flowers and ornamentals

KFC Flowers & Ornamentals Sustainability Standard


The Kenya Flower Council




KFC Flowers & Ornamentals Sustainability Standard v2021
Flowers and ornamentals



MPS Milieu Programma Sierteelt




MPS-GAP Version 11.1
Plant propagation material
Flowers and ornamentals

New Zealand GAP - GLOBALG.A.P. equivalent


Horticulture New Zealand Inc.


New Zealand


New Zealand GAP V6.2 October 2019
Fruit and vegetables

OHAS Grower Standard


Ornamental Horticulture Assurance Scheme (OHAS)


United Kingdom


(Resembling scheme with supplement) OHAS Grower Standard Version 4 + GLOBALG.A.P. supplement
Flowers and ornamentals



QS Qualität und Sicherheit GmbH




QS-GAP v4 - 2023
Fruit and vegetables

Red Tractor Assurance for Farms Fresh Produce Scheme


Assured Food Standards


United Kingdom


(Resembling scheme with supplement) RT Fresh Produce v5.0 (Nov.2021) + GLOBALG.A.P. supplement
Fruit and vegetables

Resolution No. 095, "Procedural manual for equivalence with GLOBALG.A.P. of the Fruit and Vegetable checklist version 5.2"


Agencia de Regulación y Control Fito y Zoosanitario - AGROCALIDAD




Resolution No. 095 Procedural manual for equivalence with GLOBALG.A.P. of the Fruit and Vegetable checklist version 5.2
Fruit and vegetables

Start the GLOBALG.A.P. benchmarking process today.

Apply for GLOBALG.A.P. benchmarking

Learn about the application process and schedule a meeting with our benchmarking expert today.

Five steps to benchmarking your scheme or checklist

Image of a technical expert completing an application form

Application forms vary according to the type of benchmarking required by the applicant scheme or checklist owner. Certification scheme or checklist owners should contact to receive the relevant application documents and the instructions for participation in a GLOBALG.A.P. training before the application process can begin. Alternatively, you can book an appointment with our benchmarking expert to discuss the process.

The completed application is then submitted to the GLOBALG.A.P. Secretariat for evaluation and the application fee is invoiced.

Image of a technical expert conducting a document review

The GLOBALG.A.P. Secretariat conducts a document review, evaluating the integrity of the applicant’s scheme or checklist and checks its content against the GLOBALG.A.P. normative documents, including requirements addressing food safety, environmental sustainability, workers’ well-being, animal welfare, and more.  

GLOBALG.A.P. Community Members are invited to participate in a peer review and contribute their insights.

Image of two technical experts conducting an on-site assessment

The GLOBALG.A.P. Secretariat validates the applicant’s normative documents as well as the practical implementation of the scheme or checklist in the field. This is achieved through at least three on-site assessments and, if applicable, an audit of the quality management system.

Image of a committee reviewing assessment results

A benchmarking committee, composed of independent experts from the producer/supplier and retail/food service sectors, is assembled for each benchmarking application. If the document review and on-site assessment stage is completed successfully, the benchmarking committee can recommend the recognition of the applicant’s scheme or checklist. If the benchmarking committee does not recommend recognition, changes are required before a new benchmarking application can be submitted.

Close-up of a hand stamping a document

The GLOBALG.A.P. Secretariat makes a final evaluation of the recommendation put forward by the benchmarking committee and, if there are no further remarks, grants benchmarking recognition. The successful applicant’s scheme or checklist is then publicly recognized on the GLOBALG.A.P. website and the scheme or checklist owner receives an official GLOBALG.A.P. seal to support their communications.

Image of four wooden blocks assembled to form a check mark icon

Start your benchmarking journey

Ready to begin the process and boost the global recognition of your scheme or checklist? Contact to receive the application documents.

Image of a customer support agent giving advice

Talk to us

Book an appointment with our benchmarking expert today!

Farm workers pick apples in an orchard

Compared schemes

Certification schemes that have some similarities with a GLOBALG.A.P. counterpart but are not aiming for full benchmarked status can undergo an internal desk review process and achieve “compared” status.


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Summit 2024 in Warsaw

25 June 2024

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Image of a customer support agent advising a stakeholder

Contact us

For questions about benchmarking or compared schemes, please contact us at