Image of an integrity assessor conducting a producer assessment at a fruit farm


Integrity and accountability

The GLOBALG.A.P. Integrity Program was founded in 2008 as the first of its kind in food certification. Designed to ensure the consistent delivery and implementation of GLOBALG.A.P. standards and add-ons worldwide, the program monitors and assesses the key aspects of the third-party certification process.

Promoting transparency in all aspects of certification

What is the GLOBALG.A.P. Integrity Program?

The GLOBALG.A.P. Integrity Program has been dedicated to the monitoring and strengthening of the certification process for the last 15 years, acting as a feedback mechanism that serves the continuous improvement of our operations and maintains stakeholder trust in the GLOBALG.A.P. certification system. This includes assessing the performance of our certification body (CB) network, collecting feedback and addressing complaints about our solutions, and protecting the GLOBALG.A.P. brand. With standards active in more than 135 countries on six continents, we consider it essential to safeguard the reliability and consistency of GLOBALG.A.P. certification.

Infographic of the GLOBALG.A.P. Integrity Program activities

GLOBALG.A.P. Integrity Program activities

What does the GLOBALG.A.P. Integrity Program cover?

The GLOBALG.A.P. Integrity Program has four key focus areas, spanning the technical implementation of our standards and add-ons to overseeing the accuracy of stakeholder claims and traceability information.

CB training and approval

Ensuring the competence and quality of the GLOBALG.A.P. approved CB network worldwide

Certification integrity

Monitoring CB performance and consistency in applying GLOBALG.A.P. solutions via integrity assessments

Complaint management

Enabling a fast and thorough response system to complaints, investigating maximum residue limit (MRL) exceedances, and protecting the GLOBALG.A.P. brand in the market

Customer support

Providing timely and accurate information to stakeholders, from the certification process to the GLOBALG.A.P. IT systems

The GLOBALG.A.P. Integrity Program in numbers

Fruit and Vegetables 1, Fruit and vegetables, agriculture, product, harvest
700+ products

produced in GLOBALG.A.P. certified production processes in more than 135 countries

Certification Body 1, Certification body, CB, auditor, audit, assessment
2000+ auditors

from more than 185 GLOBALG.A.P. approved CBs monitored and assessed

Academy 3, Academy, training, course, upskill, capacity building
700+ participants

from CBs engaged in GLOBALG.A.P. Academy trainings annually

Integrity 1, Integrity, program, accountability, transparency, assessment, monitoring, certification body, CB, complaint
8 GLOBALG.A.P. experts

monitoring CB performance through annual integrity assessments

IT systems 2, IT systems, smart, platform, database, Audit Online Hub, Validation Service, CB-AT, registration
20,000+ requests

resolved by the GLOBALG.A.P. Customer Support team in 11 different languages annually

Buyer 4, Buyer, retailer, market access, international, global
1000+ retailers and suppliers

supported on certificate validation, GLOBALG.A.P. IT systems, and more

Why do we have an integrity program?

With almost 200,000 producers with certified production processes around the world, the GLOBALG.A.P. Secretariat is determined to uphold the levels of excellence and transparency that are at the heart of what we do. The oversight provided by the GLOBALG.A.P. Integrity Program  highlights our ongoing commitment to continuous improvement and accountability.

  • For producers, the GLOBALG.A.P. Integrity Program contributes to a fair audit process by monitoring and evaluating CB competence in the field. It ensures that CBs conduct their audits in line with GLOBALG.A.P. normative documents and verifies that the same criteria and quality standards are used consistently and impartially.

  • For retailers, the GLOBALG.A.P. Integrity Program builds trust in the GLOBALG.A.P. certification system and mitigates reputational risk by providing transparency on certificate validity, investigating complaints, and monitoring certification claims. For quality assurance, both targeted and random CB office and producer assessments are conducted each year.

  • For CBs, the GLOBALG.A.P. Integrity Program monitors an entire range of processes, from auditor training requirements to the consistent implementation of GLOBALG.A.P. standards and add-ons at farm level. Comprehensive support also provides a straightforward point of contact for the clarification of questions on GLOBALG.A.P. solutions and the auditing process.

Infographic showing participants in the GLOBALG.A.P. Integrity Program and how they interact

Who is involved in the GLOBALG.A.P. Integrity Program?

There are three elements of the GLOBALG.A.P. governance structure that are connected to the GLOBALG.A.P. Integrity Program, each with clearly defined responsibilities to ensure accountability and impartiality.

  • The GLOBALG.A.P. Advisory Board steers and supervises the GLOBALG.A.P. Integrity Program, providing the legal framework for regulating the CBs.

  • The GLOBALG.A.P. Secretariat monitors CB performance, addresses complaints, implements and enforces the decisions of the Integrity Surveillance Committee (ISC), facilitates the improvement of the program, and more.

  • The ISC reviews cases proposed by the GLOBALG.A.P. Secretariat and makes the final sanctioning recommendation based on integrity assessment reports.

Image of wooden blocks with different icons assembled together

2023 Integrity Report

Discover the latest activities and highlights of the GLOBALG.A.P. Integrity Program, published June 2024.

Accountability before and after the audit

How does the GLOBALG.A.P. Integrity Program work?

The GLOBALG.A.P. Integrity Program consists of four key areas, including aspects such as certification body (CB) training and CB approval, on-site and off-site integrity assessments, GLOBALG.A.P. IT system updates, trademarks use monitoring, and a comprehensive complaint management procedure.

Image of a GLOBALG.A.P. certification body training workshop for farm auditors

CB approval

The GLOBALG.A.P. Secretariat only signs license and certification agreements with CBs that successfully pass our internal approval process. The agreements and the approval contribute to a high level of standardized quality and the integrity of CB procedures.
We conduct regular trainings for CBs to maintain excellence in the delivery of our solutions. Trainings are designed for farm auditors, QMS auditors, in-house trainers, and scheme managers, who must all fulfill specific qualification requirements to work on the certification process of GLOBALG.A.P. standards and add-ons.

CB performance

In addition to periodic supervision by their accreditation bodies – according to the international standard for product certification (ISO/IEC 17065) – all approved CBs are monitored by our own dedicated team of expert integrity assessors. This is achieved through both on-site and off-site integrity assessments that are either targeted (as a result of a complaint or risk assessment), random (to ensure that a wide range of CBs are checked), or based on the referral of the Integrity Surveillance Committee (ISC).

The integrity assessments monitor whether CBs are conducting their audits in line with GLOBALG.A.P. normative documents, including the signed license and certification agreement. This improves the consistency of the criteria and quality standards applied by the approved CBs. The annual integrity report contains an overview of all integrity assessment outcomes since 2008.

Key performance indicators (KPIs) have been in place since 2017 to measure CB performance and present the information to the public. The KPIs were developed together with the CBs and include scores on integrity assessments, administrative management, complaint management, and database management.

How does the ISC work?

The ISC is an independent body that plays a key role in maintaining certification integrity by making decisions on performance-related sanctions for CBs. ISC members are industry experts and are appointed by the GLOBALG.A.P. Advisory Board. They work independently and meet at least twice a year.

  • The ISC consists of a chairperson, one retailer representative, one substitute retailer representative, and one producer/supplier representative.

  • If evidence from one or more integrity assessment reports shows that a CB has demonstrated inadequate performance or has failed to demonstrate improvement following previous assessments, the GLOBALG.A.P. Secretariat may propose the case for ISC review.

  • The CB will be informed about the decision to forward their case to the ISC and will be invited to respond with a written statement within 14 days of notification.

  • To provide an impartial evaluation, integrity assessment reports and CB responses are anonymized before delivery to the ISC and do not include any identifiable information such as the producer’s/CB’s name, GLOBALG.A.P. identification numbers (e.g., GLOBALG.A.P. Number), or country.

  • In its role as an independent jury, the ISC reviews each case and proposes sanctions for the GLOBALG.A.P. Secretariat to enforce. CBs have the opportunity to appeal within five working days of being notified of the ISC decision.

  • The ISC evaluates all possible appeals during two dedicated virtual meetings. In the event of a second appeal against the confirmation of a sanction by the ISC, an arbitration procedure is followed (as outlined in the license and certification agreement).

  • Sanctions by the ISC can only be lifted after a reevaluation of the case by ISC members.

Read more about the committees that contribute to the GLOBALG.A.P. governance structure.

Latest news


26 September 2024

Version 2 of the TR4 Biosecurity Add-on for Bananas now available

Published August 2024, the new add-on version can be implemented in combination with IFA v6.

Fruit and vegetables
Add-ons to core solutions

26 September 2024

Version 6 of Primary Farm Assurance now available

The Primary Farm Assurance (PFA) program has been updated: Version 6 was published on 11 September 2024 and, following a six-month transition period, replaces v5 as of 1 March 2025.

Fruit and vegetables
Primary solutions
Capacity building

Complaint management

Complaints received by the GLOBALG.A.P. Secretariat are recorded, analyzed, and investigated by dedicated complaint management assessors. Reports regarding a breach of standard requirements – including those related to maximum residue limits (MRLs) – can be raised via the complaint form. Complaints may also be received directly from stakeholders or the media.

If potential non-compliance with standard requirements is traced to a producer, producer group, or company with GLOBALG.A.P. certified production processes, the GLOBALG.A.P. Secretariat requires the corresponding CB and certificate holder to refute the claim. This can be achieved by verifying and providing evidence of compliance with the relevant GLOBALG.A.P. standard or add-on.

CBs investigate the complaints through document reviews and unannounced assessments, where necessary. They must then report all findings and actions taken to the GLOBALG.A.P. Secretariat within a defined time period. Information from this process can then be used to facilitate the selection and scheduling of integrity assessments.

MRL complaints

We have a dedicated team of technical experts to investigate complaints related to MRLs. Following an initial CB investigation – involving a document review and report on the last audit of the producer – the CB usually conducts an unannounced audit at the producer’s premises to check the situation on-site. The CB then sends their investigation report and outcome for evaluation by the GLOBALG.A.P. Secretariat.

Technical experts cross-check and challenge the information received. Where the CB does not provide the required clarification, additional investigations are carried out and, where necessary, an additional product sample may be taken at origin.

The GLOBALG.A.P. Secretariat summarizes the investigation in a report which is sent to the complainant. If the review by the technical experts identifies a potential risk, the information can be used to initiate further integrity assessments. More information on how we deal with MRL complaints can be found in the MRL complaints procedure document.

Brand integrity

The GLOBALG.A.P. Integrity Program is also tasked with identifying contractual issues, unauthorized CBs, the misuse of GLOBALG.A.P. claims and trademarks, and fraudulent certification.

A central feature of this area is the public GLOBALG.A.P. database – the online certificate validation tool that lists every producer with GLOBALG.A.P. certified production processes worldwide. Each producer is assigned a unique 13-digit GGN that enables any interested party to search and validate all relevant product and certification information in the database, which is updated in real time.

Image of a customer support technical advisor assisting a stakeholder

Supporting stakeholders

Customer support

The GLOBALG.A.P. Customer Support team is the primary point of contact for reliable information on all our solutions. As part of the GLOBALG.A.P. Integrity Program, the team assists stakeholders around the world with support and guidance on the GLOBALG.A.P. IT systems, such as the database, Audit Online Hub, and Validation Service. The team also provides information on the certification process, monitors the information that CBs upload to the GLOBALG.A.P. IT systems, and connects stakeholders with specific technical questions to the appropriate GLOBALG.A.P. team.

Do you have questions about GLOBALG.A.P. certification or producers with GLOBALG.A.P. certified production processes? Contact us today.

Upholding integrity in a changing world

GLOBALG.A.P. Integrity Reports

Every year, the GLOBALG.A.P. Secretariat publishes detailed insights into the activities and highlights of the GLOBALG.A.P. Integrity Program. In addition to reflecting on the previous year and targeting focus areas for the future, the report contains transparent information and statistics on a range of topics including training, integrity assessments, complaints processing, MRL investigations, and more. 

Read now

Click the links below to open the report. If you have questions or comments about the reports, please see the FAQ or contact us.


Image of a customer support agent advising a stakeholder

Contact us

For questions about the GLOBALG.A.P. Integrity Program, please contact us at