Image of a producer checking soil health and quality in a field


Our Impact Areas

Our mission is to foster the global adoption of safer and more sustainable farming practices by providing industry-leading, cost-efficient, and value-adding assurance and benchmarking solutions. Using a holistic approach, our smart farm assurance solutions focus on six key impact areas.

Our impact areas

Image of two producers discussing plant growth in a field of crops

Food safety

Food safety begins on the farm, and protecting the right of current and future generations to safe food has been a guiding principle of our work for over 20 years.

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Image of two producers transplanting a fruit tree

Environmental sustainability

Supporting environmentally responsible and resilient production practices is essential to the protection of global ecosystems and the long-term viability of farms.

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Image of a worker preparing floriculture products for transport

Workers’ well-being

Responsible farming is about people as well as products, and socially sustainable supply chains are built on the health, safety, and welfare of farm workers and their communities.

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Image of a Norwegian aquaculture farm from above

Animal welfare

Addressing the world’s fastest growing food sector, our aquaculture solutions safeguard the health and welfare of aquatic species at every stage of the production chain.

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Image of a supply chain processor washing and sorting apples

Supply chain traceability

Effective segregation, handling, and traceability requirements are key to protecting the integrity of our producers’ responsible farming practices throughout the supply chain.

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Image of producers receiving a farm tour during a capacity-building training program

Capacity building

Providing producers around the world with the training and support they need to adopt safer and more sustainable farming practices can accelerate progress towards our vision.

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Safe food begins with safe practices on the farm

Food safety

In the context of climate change, and with the global population expected to reach almost 10 billion by 2050 (FAO), the required increase in food production must be achieved in a safe and responsible way to protect the health of communities around the world. Food security – ensuring sufficient access to safe and nutritious food – is deeply rooted in the fundamentals of food safety.

Image of a worker packing tomatoes on a production line in a food processing facility

Why do GLOBALG.A.P. standards address food safety?

According to the WHO, approximately 600 million people fall ill each year due to contaminated food.

We believe that food safety begins on the farm, which is why we work to create mainstream solutions for the holistic certification of food production worldwide. Protecting the right of current and future generations to safe food has been a guiding principle of our work since 1997.

How does GLOBALG.A.P. promote food safety?

Our standards enable the implementation of procedures that minimize food safety risks at farm level and allow producers to reliably demonstrate their responsible production processes through GAP certification. As a result, suppliers and retailers in the value chain can source products with confidence, protecting their reputation and building trust with consumers. GLOBALG.A.P. standards have consistently achieved recognition from the Global Food Safety Initiative (GFSI).

Food safety topics in GLOBALG.A.P. solutions

  • Chemical, biological, and physical hazard identification and mitigation

  • Residue monitoring for the appropriate use of plant protection products

  • Traceability through product handling, segregation, and identification procedures

  • Mitigation of food contamination through effective waste management

  • Controls on the use, storage, and quality of irrigation water

  • Harvest and postharvest rules on product handling, packing, and storage

  • Sourcing, storage, and processing of materials for animal feed

  • Documented food fraud plan to identify supply chain risks

Image of producers holding young plants

GLOBALG.A.P. Community Membership

Join our unique GLOBALG.A.P. Community Membership program and the more than 450 organizations globally who contribute to the GLOBALG.A.P. certification system and our impact on these key impact areas.

Recognizing the farm as an agricultural ecosystem

Environmental sustainability

Environmental sustainability represents our collective responsibility to conserve natural resources and protect global ecosystems. With over half of the world’s vegetated land now used for agriculture according to the FAO, it is vital to promote more sustainable farming practices that address topics such as biodiversity, deforestation, water, and soil management. 

Image of a farmer inspecting soil quality

Why do GLOBALG.A.P. standards address environmental sustainability?

Research by the FAO and UNEP has shown that land conversion and agricultural activity can be key drivers of problems such as biodiversity loss, deforestation, and soil degradation.

We believe that targeted solutions are needed to support producers in the resilient, environmentally responsible production of food for a growing population. Such production involves viewing the farm as an ecosystem that is in harmony, rather than competition, with the surrounding landscape.

How does GLOBALG.A.P. promote environmental sustainability?

Our standards and add-ons include robust yet realistic requirements that promote a global transition to more sustainable farming practices in agriculture, floriculture, and aquaculture. We acknowledge that sustainability is a journey, and our flexible portfolio is aimed at mainstreaming sustainability action through smart, accessible, and forward-thinking solutions.

This allows producers to demonstrate their responsible production processes in the here and now, while also considering future needs through the harnessing of metrics and farm data, as well as farm-level continuous improvement plans.

Environmental sustainability topics in GLOBALG.A.P. standards and add-ons

  • Restoration, protection, and enhancement of on-farm biodiversity and habitats

  • Efficient water use, protection of water sources, and wastewater management

  • Management and recycling systems to minimize waste and prevent pollution

  • Metric-based plan to improve energy efficiency and minimize use of nonrenewables

  • Integrated pest management to protect crops through primarily natural means

  • Responsible resource use and sustainably sourced raw materials in compound feed

  • Environmental impact assessments monitoring effluents from aquaculture farms

  • Restriction of Foc TR4 pathogen spread in, from, and between banana and plantain farms

Ensuring accountability in socio-economic issues at farm level

Workers’ well-being

Social responsibility in primary production – covering workers’ health, safety, and welfare through topics such as human and labor rights – is increasingly in the spotlight from retailers, consumers, governments, and NGOs. With growing awareness and new international legislation for supply chains, protecting workers’ rights is an essential part of the sustainability picture.

Image of a certification body auditor interviewing farm workers outside a greenhouse

Why do GLOBALG.A.P. standards address workers’ well-being?

We believe that responsible farming includes people as well as products.

That’s why we work to develop accessible solutions for producers of all sizes – from smallholders and family farms to large producer groups – that help to protect human rights, ensure fair representation for workers, and prevent labor exploitation.

How does GLOBALG.A.P. promote workers’ well-being?

Our flagship Integrated Farm Assurance (IFA) standard has always included principles and criteria (P&Cs) on workers’ health and safety, but the early 2000s saw increasing public pressure on social topics. The need for a solution dedicated specifically to this issue was clear, and in 2004 a collaboration began with the German Agency for International Cooperation (GIZ). This laid the groundwork for the GLOBALG.A.P. Risk Assessment on Social Practice (GRASP).

Approximately 20 years later, GRASP provides a wide range of farm types with the tools they need to manage social risks in production processes. It is in line with International Labor Organization conventions, as well as the UN Guiding Principles of Business and Human Rights.

Workers’ well-being topics in GLOBALG.A.P. standards and add-ons

  • Right of association including the ability to form or join worker organizations

  • Worker representation with assembly free from management influence

  • Complaint processes with protection for confidentiality and against retaliation

  • Human rights policies on aspects such as forced labor and debt bondage

  • Access to labor regulations, including rules for subcontracted and short-term labor

  • Documentation and terms of employment, including wages and working hours

  • Forced labor indicators such as accessible and legally sound conditions of employment

  • Working age and child labor prevention including compulsory school access

Latest news

Summit 2024 in Warsaw

25 June 2024

GLOBALG.A.P. SUMMIT 2024: Latest updates

Anticipation for the GLOBALG.A.P. SUMMIT 2024 (10–12 September in Warsaw, Poland) is building and we're delighted to share the latest updates with you: Exclusive warm-up webinar, latest agenda announcements, and deadline for Early Bird tickets


25 June 2024

New discussion platform for national technical working groups

19 June marked the beginning of regular quarterly discussions for our national technical working groups (NTWGs). The two-way conversations are designed to provide updates and learn from the participants' unique challenges and experiences.

Capacity building
2023 Integrity report is out now! Published June 2024.

20 June 2024

2023 Integrity Report is out now!

Find out about the activities of the GLOBALG.A.P. Integrity Program in our report - published annually.

Core solutions
Food safety

Meeting global seafood demand responsibly

Animal welfare

Aquaculture – the rearing of aquatic species – is seen as an increasingly reliable way to meet the world’s nutritional needs and now represents the world’s fastest-growing food sector. Responsible, risk-assessed production processes that include animal health and welfare are vital to both global food security and the long-term sustainability of aquaculture operations. 

Image of a worker on an aquaculture farm handling salmon

Why do GLOBALG.A.P. standards address animal welfare?

The health of farmed animals is integral to the safety of our food chain, and their overall welfare represents a major consumer concern.

We believe that animal health and welfare are at the heart of responsible aquaculture practices. This is why we consider all stages of production, from hatchery and feed inputs to slaughter and transport, implementing traceability procedures at every step of the supply chain.

How does GLOBALG.A.P. promote animal welfare?

Our flagship Integrated Farm Assurance (IFA) standard for aquaculture is applicable to a wide range of species of finfish, crustaceans, molluscs, and seaweed (macro algae), as well as all major production methods – from net enclosures to closed recirculation systems.

The rigorous standard requirements consider all four pillars of the FAO Technical Guidelines on Aquaculture Certification and are also aligned with the World Organization for Animal Health (WOAH) Aquatic Animal Health Code.

IFA is the only standard at farm-level recognized by the Global Food Safety Initiative (GFSI) and the only standard recognized by the Global Sustainable Seafood Initiative (GSSI) for all aquatic species.

Animal welfare topics in GLOBALG.A.P. standards and add-ons

  • Comprehensive aquaculture health plan approved by a certified veterinarian

  • Welfare risk assessments on water, predation, visual/acoustic disturbance, and marking

  • Control program for water quality and intake/discharge to avoid contamination

  • Health treatment analysis, including medicines, vaccination, quarantine, and pathogen screening

  • Records of stock movements for all stages of the aquatic species’ lifecycle

  • Procedures and monitoring for removal, safe disposal, stunning, and slaughter

  • Documented hygiene plan, species-specific handling training, and harvest protocols

  • Site management including risk assessments on equipment, cleaning, and pest control

Facilitating supply chain transparency at every step


Consumers expect safe food. This means that supply chain participants must implement effective traceability systems for identifying, recording, and therefore enabling the verification of a product’s history and lifecycle as the product passes through the supply chain. Such systems both mitigate the risk of food fraud and facilitate quick action in case of food safety issues.

Image of a food processing facility with workers grading mandarins

Why do GLOBALG.A.P. standards address traceability?

As global supply chains grow in complexity, traceability requirements and chain of custody certification provide reassurance to customers and add value to a brand in the market.

We believe that implementing effective identification, segregation, and handling practices can protect the integrity of responsibly farmed products in the supply chain.

How does GLOBALG.A.P. promote traceability?

While all of our core farm-level solutions contain traceability criteria, the dedicated GLOBALG.A.P. Chain of Custody standard ensures that the integrity of products originating from GLOBALG.A.P. certified production processes is protected up to the final sale.

Applicable to any company handling or trading products from GLOBALG.A.P. certified production processes, the requirements prevent the substitution, dilution, and misidentification of products along the supply chain. This protects buyers from reputational risk and connects certified responsible farming practices at farm level with a transparent product claim at the end of a custodial sequence.

Traceability topics in GLOBALG.A.P. standards and add-ons

  • Identification of products via a unique ID number in the GLOBALG.A.P. IT systems

  • Recall and withdrawal procedures with annual verification of traceability systems

  • Segregation of products from certified and noncertified production processes

  • Product handling rules including historical purchase and sales records

  • Input and output verification through mass balance requirements

  • Non-conformance and complaint procedure for recording issues and actions

  • Monitoring of subcontractors that handle products from certified production processes

  • Worker training on chain of custody requirements and processes

Safer and more sustainable farming is a collective effort

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Upscaling local expertise to accelerate progress

Capacity building

We know that safe, socially and environmentally responsible farming practices are possible when producers have the tools they need to succeed – including access to training and support. By investing in capacity-building activities that raise awareness of more sustainable practices and facilitate their implementation on the ground, we can increase the pace of change worldwide.

How does GLOBALG.A.P. address capacity building?

Our standard-setting competencies are complemented by a range of capacity-building activities that amplify and advance safer and more sustainable farming practices in a local context.

With online GLOBALG.A.P. Academy training courses, targeted on-site events hosted in tandem with regional partners, and partnerships with developmental aid organizations around the world, we can reach a wide range of producers, buyers, and trainers who are open to enhancing food and nutritional security, stimulating economic growth in their area, and reducing poverty in a sustainable manner.

GLOBALG.A.P. capacity-building activities

  • Primary solutions
    Our primary solutions provide an opportunity for producers in emerging markets to take the first step towards GLOBALG.A.P. certification at a pace that suits them.

  • GLOBALG.A.P. Academy
    The GLOBALG.A.P. Academy offers comprehensive training courses for producers and certification bodies on the GLOBALG.A.P. certification system and the implementation of our farm assurance solutions.

  • GLOBALG.A.P. Registered Trainer program
    Through their affiliation with GLOBALG.A.P., our worldwide network of Registered Trainers offers authorized training on our leading farm assurance solutions.

  • Projects and partnerships
    We connect with organizations around the world to unite our visions, transform food systems, and empower local communities.

  • GLOBALG.A.P. TOUR stops
    The GLOBALG.A.P. TOUR works in collaboration with local stakeholders to host events targeted at responsible farming topics relevant to a specific country or region.

Upcoming events

15 Aug


IFA supports people: Fostering ethical labor practices for a sustainable future

Location: Online
Event type: Webinar
Event format: Virtual

Core solutions
Add-ons to core solutions
Workers’ well-being

26 Aug - 30 Aug


Academy training: IFA v6 for fruit and vegetables in French

Location: Online
Event type: Academy course
Event format: Virtual

Capacity building
Fruit and vegetables
Core solutions
Food safety