08 August 2023

NTWG New Zealand first to publish new GRASP v2 NIG

NTWG New Zealand was the first to successfully submit and complete the revision process for the GRASP national interpretation guideline for the new GRASP v2.

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The National Technical Working Group (NTWG) New Zealand was the first NTWG to successfully submit and complete the revision process for the GLOBALG.A.P. Risk Assessment on Social Practice (GRASP) national interpretation guideline (NIG) for the new GRASP v2. Download the file here.

We thank the NTWG New Zealand for their work and dedication and encourage others to update their NIGs to GRASP v2 as soon as possible, as v2 will become obligatory on 1 January 2024. Please send your draft GRASP NIGs to graspnig@globalgap.org. The GRASP NIG template can be downloaded here.