Image of a retail employee displaying fresh seafood in store

GLOBALG.A.P. for buyers

GLOBALG.A.P. smart farm assurance solutions are developed by the industry, for the industry. With more than 20 years of collaboration and innovation in the agriculture, aquaculture, and floriculture sectors, we have worked with all areas of the global value chain to develop a robust, one-stop-shop certification system.

Learn about bookmarking

Promote safer and more sustainable farming worldwide

Why source from GLOBALG.A.P. certified production?

Global trade safe and responsibly farmed products has never been simpler! GLOBALG.A.P. certification enables you to easily identify producers who practice responsible farming and have undergone a third-party audit of their production processes. Already applied in more than 130 countries and developed collaboratively in response to sector demands and challenges, the GLOBALG.A.P. certification system targets six key impact areas: food safety, environmental sustainability, workers’ well-being, animal welfare, supply chain traceability, and capacity building. 

GLOBALG.A.P. in numbers (as of 31/12/2022)

Technical experts 1, Technical experts, committees, focus groups, GLOBALG.A.P. Secretariat, governance, industry, strategy, Benchmarking Committees
20+ years of experience

in the agriculture, floriculture, and aquaculture sectors

Producer 1, Producer, farmer, stakeholder, supply chain, farm-level, smallholder
195,000+ producers

under GLOBALG.A.P. certification

Events 1, Events, TOUR stops, global, worldwide, international, network, capacity building
130+ countries

with GLOBALG.A.P. certificate holders

Farm 1, Farm, producer, agriculture, plants, crops
4.3 million+ hectares

of certified plant production annually

Aquaculture 2, Aquaculture, aquatic species, product category, fish, mollusc, crustacean
2.5 million+ metric tons

of certified aquaculture production annually

Compound Feed 2, Compound feed, aquaculture, product, market
21 million+ metric tons

of certified compound feed production annually

Image of a producer harvesting cabbages on a vegetable farm

Five reasons to choose GLOBALG.A.P.

1. We offer a one-stop-shop for all your farm assurance needs

The GLOBALG.A.P. portfolio offers a comprehensive package of standards and delivery services to cover all certification requirements for primary production and the supply chain.

With holistic core solutions tackling a range of topics such as food safety, environmental sustainability, and animal welfare, and our selection of add-on solutions that handle topics such water use, biodiversity, or workers’ well-being in a more in-depth way, producers can flexibly tailor their certification coverage without requiring multiple audits to different schemes.

Additional postharvest or segregation and traceability standards for the supply chain, as well as the linked consumer label initiative (GGN label), enable you to access all the solutions you need from just one certification system.

International recognition by industry initiatives such as GFSI, GSSI, or FSI for our key standards further enhance sourcing confidence.

Streamline your sourcing policy and support a simpler certification journey for producers.

Image of a certification body auditor inspecting a plant nursery

2. We operate a trusted certification system backed by a pioneering integrity program

GLOBALG.A.P. certificates are a source of pride for producers and a valuable source of information for buyers. To safeguard this reputation, the GLOBALG.A.P. certification system relies on a comprehensive Integrity Program.

Conceived in 2008 as the first of its kind in food certification, the GLOBALG.A.P. Integrity Program is responsible for investigating complaints, mitigating stakeholder risk by monitoring certification claims, and acting as a feedback mechanism that serves the continuous improvement of the whole system.

Going beyond comparable integrity mechanisms in the sector which rely mainly on desk assessments, the GLOBALG.A.P. Integrity Program also sees more than 200 days of integrity assessments – including on-site visits – conducted every year by a dedicated team of integrity assessors.

Thanks to the robust nature of the program, the GLOBALG.A.P. IT systems are recognized as a trusted source for verified farm-level data that aids global supply chain management.

Access a trusted certification system that global supply chains rely on.

Validate a certificate via the GLOBALG.A.P. database

Image of three diverse producers holding a young plant in their hands

3. We embrace synergies for maximum harmonization and alignment in the certification sector

With legal regulations varying by market and the existence of national schemes in many countries, understanding certification requirements can be complex.

To promote clarity and achieve harmonization within the sector, we strive to offer standards that are recognized by industry initiatives and align with supply chain legislation or national schemes wherever possible. We also work to reduce duplication in the sector through benchmarking against our standards and add-ons, lowering the number of audits and promoting cost-efficiency for producers while simplifying sourcing requirements for buyers.

To further reduce friction within the sector, our standards are audited by independent, third-party certification bodies, offering a more local choice to producers wherever possible.

We also offer the opportunity to integrate our solutions with the existing tools of our stakeholders – for example, providing compatibility with audit or farm management software and connecting supplier management platforms for on-demand data insights.

Join us in promoting collaboration and simplification within the sector.

Image of an aquaculture producer inspecting fish health and welfare

4. We set standards that are inclusive, stakeholder-driven, and fit-for-purpose at farm level

We engage all participants in global value chains to understand both the demands of the market and the daily realities at farm level.

Through extensive collaboration with our technical committees and focus groups, we are able to strike a practical balance that meets the expectations of stakeholders while ensuring that our solutions remain fit-for-purpose and in line with our vision of safer and more sustainable farming.

With wide-scale public consultation phases and one of the largest community membership networks in the industry, the GLOBALG.A.P. Secretariat involves a broad range of stakeholders in the standard-setting process. We strive for robust requirements that also foster continuous improvement, supporting producers in improving farm management and processes beyond the certification audit.

The GLOBALG.A.P. Advisory Board, with a 50:50 split of producer/supplier and retailer/food service representatives, is responsible for the final adoption of our standards.

Apply solutions designed by the sector, for the sector.

Image of two producers inspecting potted plants on a covered floriculture farm

5. We ensure our solutions are global, adaptable, and accessible

GLOBALG.A.P. is one of the most widely recognized certification systems in the global trade of farmed products.

With certification spanning over 130 countries and covering a variety of farm sizes and types – from smallholders to large multisite producer groups – we support an extensive farming network while acknowledging the diverse challenges of implementation around the world.

To bridge the gap from global to local, our Registered Trainers are responsible for providing authorized training within a local context, and our national technical working groups are involved in standard setting to develop national interpretation guidelines for applying the standards in specific environments. Our regional experts provide widespread support where you are and gather valuable perspective on the application of our global solutions within local supply chains.

Dedicated capacity-building activities strive to raise awareness of responsible farming practices and facilitate their implementation on the ground, improving livelihoods and growing the global pool of certified producers to source from.

Help make safe and responsible farming practices mainstream by facilitating their implementation around the world.

A brief guide to GLOBALG.A.P.

2023 Integrity report is out now! Published June 2024.

2023 Integrity Report

Discover the latest activities and highlights of the GLOBALG.A.P. Integrity Program.

Integrity Report 2023 | Published June 2024

Sustainable Development Goals

How do GLOBALG.A.P. activities contribute to the Sustainable Development Goals?

GLOBALG.A.P. smart farm assurance solutions, partnerships, and capacity-building activities contribute directly to 10 of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). We continue to harness our global reach to foster the mainstreaming of more sustainable farming practices.

Discover more about how GLOBALG.A.P. activities align with the SDGs.

Is GLOBALG.A.P. recognized by other industry stakeholders?

In support of the “one auditor through the farm gate” principle, the following initiatives formally recognize one or more GLOBALG.A.P. solutions:

  • Global Food Safety Initiative (GFSI) recognition (for the food safety elements of the Integrated Farm Assurance (IFA) standard for fruit and vegetables and aquaculture, as well as for the Harmonized Produce Safety Standard, and Produce Handling Assurance standard)

  • Global Sustainable Seafood Initiative (GSSI) recognition (for IFA for aquaculture)

  • Floriculture Sustainability Initiative (FSI) recognition (for IFA for flowers and ornamentals and the Impact-Driven Approach to Sustainability add-on)

  • Sustainability Initiative Fruit and Vegetables (SIFAV) recognition via the Water and Social Basket of Standards (for the Sustainable Program for Irrigation and Groundwater Use (SPRING))

  • Aligned with the International Fresh Produce Association (IFPA) Ethical Charter (for GRASP)

  • WWF Spain (World Wildlife Fund) recognition (for SPRING)

  • FDA recognition (for and the Food Safety Modernization Act Produce Safety Rule add-on)

Simplify your sourcing policies

How do GLOBALG.A.P. solutions facilitate supply chain management?

GLOBALG.A.P. certification is widely trusted as a sourcing requirement for many major supply chains worldwide. Our standards and add-ons are complimented by a framework of delivery services that make trading safe and responsibly farmed products simpler than ever before. From production standards for plants, aquaculture, and compound feed, to tailored add-ons on topics such as water or social responsibility, the GLOBALG.A.P. portfolio has a solution for you.

GLOBALG.A.P. Primary solutions icon over full square white background

Smart farm assurance solutions

Primary solutions

Primary solutions provide a basic level of assurance. As standalone standards, they are not combined with any other GLOBALG.A.P. solutions and are not a full form of certification valid for global trade but they may fulfil local requirements for producers in emerging markets and/or facilitate the first steps towards accredited certification, if desired.

Learn more about upgrading your suppliers through GLOBALG.A.P. primary solutions.

GLOBALG.A.P. Core solutions icon over full square white background

Core solutions

Core solutions are internationally recognized standards for primary production and the supply chain. Core solutions take the form of a third-party audit which usually results in a certificate recognized in global trade markets.

Learn more about enhancing your supply chains with GLOBALG.A.P. core solutions.

GLOBALG.A.P. Add-ons to core solutions icon over full square white background

Add-ons to core solutions

Add-on solutions are designed to expand the scope of existing core certification, offering tailored or more comprehensive assurance on a specific topic. Add-ons must be audited in combination with a GLOBALG.A.P. core solution.

Learn more about targeted assurance with GLOBALG.A.P. add-ons to core solutions.

young woman pressing high tech virtual G button

Find your solution

Use our Smart Checklist Builder to easily understand which GLOBALG.A.P. solutions are recommended for your supplier’s production practices.

Explore relevant solutions for a specific topic

Image of two producers discussing plant growth in a field of crops

Food safety

Food safety begins on the farm, and protecting the right of current and future generations to safe food has been a guiding principle of our work for over 20 years.

Learn more
Image of two producers transplanting a fruit tree

Environmental sustainability

Supporting environmentally responsible and resilient production practices is essential to the protection of global ecosystems and the long-term viability of farms.

Learn more
Image of a worker preparing floriculture products for transport

Workers’ well-being

Responsible farming is about people as well as products, and socially sustainable supply chains are built on the health, safety, and welfare of farm workers and their communities.

Learn more
Image of a Norwegian aquaculture farm from above

Animal welfare

Addressing the world’s fastest growing food sector, our aquaculture solutions safeguard the health and welfare of aquatic species at every stage of the production chain.

Learn more
Image of a supply chain processor washing and sorting apples

Supply chain traceability

Effective segregation, handling, and traceability requirements are key to protecting the integrity of our producers’ responsible farming practices throughout the supply chain.

Learn more
Image representing data insights gained from smart farm assurance solutions

Supporting services for supply chain stakeholders

If you already source from GLOBALG.A.P. certified production processes, discover our range of supporting services for supply chain stakeholders.

Learn more

Contact a GLOBALG.A.P. representative in your area

With technical experts and/or key account managers for each region of the world, the GLOBALG.A.P. Secretariat is able to offer specialized support to supply chain members in your local context.

Infographic showing the stepwise approach of GLOBALG.A.P. Primary Farm Assurance

Upgrade your suppliers with GLOBALG.A.P. capacity-building measures

For small-scale producers or those in emerging markets, meeting the criteria for international standards may be difficult at first – whether due to the scale or complexity of the requirements and implementation costs.

GLOBALG.A.P. capacity building activities help producers to adopt good agricultural practices at their own pace, gradually improving the efficiency of farm management, cutting exposure to food safety risks, and complying with legislation on food safety.

In turn, you can source from a growing pool of local and regional products that meet the minimum requirements for food safety and hygiene and develop a network of reliable producers committed to adopting safer, more sustainable farming processes.

Explore capacity building

Image of a fresh produce processor packing fruit and vegetables for transport

The GLOBALG.A.P. Chain of Custody standard

The GLOBALG.A.P. Chain of Custody (CoC) standard supports For more transparency and confidence in global supply chains. 

Achieving recognition for safe and responsible farming practices through certification takes significant time, effort, and investment from producers at farm level.

Maintain traceability of products originating from GLOBALG.A.P. certified processes, protect their integrity, and reduce reputational risk with supply chain certification – applicable to retailers, packers, processors and more.

Learn more about the GLOBALG.A.P. Chain of Custody standard

Services for buyers

Image of a retail employee validating a certificate online

Use the GLOBALG.A.P. database

Connecting the certification data of almost 200,000 producers in over 130 countries, the GLOBALG.A.P. database enables the transparent and real-time validation of certification status.

To the database
Image of two colleagues verifying the certification status of a supplier

Bookmark your suppliers

For supply chain stakeholders trading products from GLOBALG.A.P. certified production, bookmarking is the simple way to monitor the certification status of all suppliers in one place. The Bookmarking API also offers supplier management platforms the opportunity to display publicly visible data from the GLOBALG.A.P. database in their own system.

More on bookmarking
Image of a tractor applying a plant protection product to a field

Monitor maximum residue limits

The RMS Platform streamlines digital data sharing with the GLOBALG.A.P. Secretariat – both simplifying reporting and enabling the conversion of MRL data to anonymous benchmarking reports that can be used in risk assessments. RMS Platform participants are also visible and searchable in the GLOBALG.A.P. IT systems for transparency in the market.

Explore the RMS Platform
Image of a workshop led by a GLOBALG.A.P. master trainer

Attend a training course

The GLOBALG.A.P. Academy offers a selection of training courses to improve your knowledge of responsible farming practices, the GLOBALG.A.P. portfolio of standards, and the GLOBALG.A.P. certification system as a whole. Upskill your expertise today and learn about what is required of your suppliers during farm-level certification.

View Academy catalog
Infographic showing benchmarked schemes and benchmarked checklists

GLOBALG.A.P. benchmarking

GLOBALG.A.P. benchmarking is the process of recognizing alignment between different farm assurance schemes or checklists and their GLOBALG.A.P. equivalents.


  • Quickly and easily identify equivalent schemes to simplify your sourcing policy

  • Producers can meet buyer requirements without undergoing multiple audits for the same criteria

  • Cutting audit duplication minimizes certification costs for producers, with the entire value chain profiting from lower production costs.

View the benchmarked schemes and checklists

Learn about the benchmarking process

Image of fruit with the GGN label on a display stand in the retailer Globus in Germany

Join the GGN label initiative

The GGN label stands for certified, responsible farming and transparency. Based on GLOBALG.A.P. standards for farms and the supply-chain, the cross-category label can be applied to fruit and vegetables, farmed seafood, flowers, and plants to link conscious consumers to the roots of their products.

Build trust in your brand, demonstrate your farm-level sustainability efforts, and enhance your competitive edge by joining the initiative today!

Latest news

25 June 2024

New discussion platform for national technical working groups

19 June marked the beginning of regular quarterly discussions for our national technical working groups (NTWGs). The two-way conversations are designed to provide updates and learn from the participants' unique challenges and experiences.

Capacity building
Wikifarmer is a new GLOBALG.A.P. Community Member in 2024

25 June 2024

Wikifarmer becomes a GLOBALG.A.P. Community Member

Welcoming Wikifarmer, the global platform known as the "Wikipedia of Farming," to the GLOBALG.A.P. community! Learn more about this leader in global capacity building empowers farmers worldwide.

Capacity building

Contribute to the GLOBALG.A.P. certification system

How you can get involved

Want to go further with GLOBALG.A.P.? Find out how you can help shape our standards, join the membership community, find us at an event, or contact us with a partnership idea. Together, we thrive!

GLOBALG.A.P. SUMMIT 2024 tickets now available!

Join us to discuss the latest developments in food safety and sustainability, as well as the future of the industry. Take advantage of our Early Bird discount now – saving you €250 per person until 30 June 2024!

Image of producers holding young plants

Become a GLOBALG.A.P. Community Member

  • Get exclusive benefits

  • Fuel innovation through collaboration

  • Help shape the future of GLOBALG.A.P. solutions

  • Drive industry change, for more sustainable farming worldwide

Join the 400+ organizations across six continents who already support GLOBALG.A.P. with their membership.

Image of team members discussing ideas at a meeting

Have your say on our standards

The creation of robust, measurable, and fit-for-purpose solutions that promote safer and more sustainable farming is only possible if all value chain participants are engaged in the development process.

GLOBALG.A.P. standards are driven by our stakeholders around the world, and therefore reflect both market needs and the daily realities of producers on the ground.

All of our major standards undergo transparent and comprehensive public consultation to build on the scientific baseline provided by our technical experts before final adoption by the GLOBALG.A.P. Advisory Board.

Find out which solutions we are currently working on.

Image of a training session for supply chain stakeholders

Level up your expertise

Understanding certification options and the necessary criteria is the first step to improving supply chains. Access specialized training from the GLOBALG.A.P. Academy to gain insight on our global standards and trusted certification system.

View Academy courses
Image of a buyer conducting a farm visit and inspecting produce

Develop customized solutions

Operated in partnership with industry stakeholders, customized add-ons to GLOBALG.A.P. core solutions utilize our certification system to reduce audit duplication and fulfil specific buyer requirements. Managed by FoodPLUS GmbH, they are not publicly available or part of the GLOBALG.A.P. brand.

Contact us to discuss a collaboration

Share your experience!

Are you already part of our mission to foster the global adoption of safer and more sustainable farming practices? We would love to hear from you!

Submit a testimonial about working with GLOBALG.A.P. for a chance to be featured on our website and social media channels – with more than 80,000 followers across five platforms.

FAQ – The GLOBALG.A.P. portfolio

Technical FAQ

Dedicated GLOBALG.A.P. representatives in your area

With technical experts and/or key account managers for each region of the world, the GLOBALG.A.P. Secretariat is able to offer specialized support to supply chain members in your local context.

If you have questions about GLOBALG.A.P. certification, reach out to one of our experts:

Speak to a GLOBALG.A.P. representative

Angelo Lazo

Technical Key Account Manager

For Latin America



Latin America and the Caribbean

+51 9 55082946

Alejandra Pistagnesi

Technical Key Account Manager

For Argentina, Bolivia, Chile, Paraguay, Uruguay



Latin America and the Caribbean

+54 929 845 549 29

Marco Villegas

Key Account Manager

For Mexico



Latin America and the Caribbean

+52 553 7075399

Leonardo Ferrer

Technical Key Account Manager

For Colombia and Panama



Latin America and the Caribbean

+57 3115050821

Juan Gabriel

Key Account Manager

For Central America



Latin America and the Caribbean

+502 30235075

Stefano Miele

Stakeholder Engagement Manager

For Europe




+49 221 577 76 856

Jane Bi

Technical Manager

For North America


United States of America

North America

Antonio Restrepo

Producer Relations Manager

For North America


United States of America

North America

+1 919-880-7558

Mahinda Wahome

Technical Key Account Manager

For Ethiopia, Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda




+254 722 671133

Jennifer Mbuvi

Key Account Manager

For Kenya




+254 720211251

Edite Strazdina

Technical Key Account Manager

For Central Asia and Latvia




+371 29155836

Napaporn Rattanametta

Technical Key Account Manager

For Asia




+66 86 0341245

Xin Zhou

China Representative

For China




+86 (0) 1332 1138 571

Pham Viet Anh

Technical Key Account Manager

For Vietnam


Viet Nam


+84 904 190779

Takesue Katsuhisa

Technical Key Account Manager

For Japan




+81 8032 579 810

Pu Wei

Technical Key Account Manager

For China




+86-136 833 620 15

Caglayan Ozgur

Technical Key Account Manager

For Turkey




+90 533 695 96 65

Jadi Panahov

Key Account Manager

For Europe




+49 221 57776 287

Johannes Weh

Key Account Manager

For Europe




+49 221 577 76 633

Paula Berriel, Account Manager Stakeholder Relations Agriculture & Floriculture GLOBALG.A.P.

Paula Berriel

Account Manager

For Europe




+49 221-577 76-290

Sarah von Fintel Key Account Manager Floriculture GLOBALG.A.P.

Sarah von Fintel

Key Account Manager Floriculture

For Europe




+49 151 728 376 17

Image of a customer support agent advising a stakeholder

Contact us

For general questions about GLOBALG.A.P., please contact us at