Image of a producer harvesting grapes on a fruit farm

Add-on to core solution

Food Safety Modernization Act Produce Safety Rule add-on

The Food Safety Modernization Act (FSMA) Produce Safety Rule (PSR) add-on addresses the specific requirements of the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for the production, handling, and storage of fruit and vegetable products. It is applicable globally for producers exporting to the US market and is officially recognized by the FDA.

Enabling regulatory compliance in global supply chains

What is the Food Safety Modernization Act Produce Safety Rule add-on?

The Food Safety Modernization Act (FSMA) Produce Safety Rule (PSR) add-on helps producers to implement the specific requirements of the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) PSR at farm level. Relating to the production, handling, and storage of fruit and vegetable products to the US market, the add-on prepares exporters and assures importers by supporting compliance with the Foreign Supplier Verification Program (FSVP). Designed to be paired with the Integrated Farm Assurance (IFA) standard for fruit and vegetables, the FSMA PSR add-on is tried, tested, and trusted around the world – with over 3,500 producers in more than 15 countries already audited.

New FDA agricultural water requirements

Please note that the FDA published revised agricultural water requirements on 5 May 2024. The new requirements are effective as of 5 July 2024, and enforced as early as 7 April 2025 for the majority of producers. We are now taking action to update the GLOBALG.A.P. FSMA PSR add-on accordingly.

Infographic of a world map identifying countries with Food Safety Modernization Act Produce Safety Rule add-on implementation

FSMA PSR add-on at a glance

Recognition 1, Recognition, industry, sector, alignment, harmonization, accepted, GFSI, GSSI, FSI, WWF, SIFAV, FDA
Formally recognized

following participation in the FDA’s voluntary pilot program to evaluate third-party food safety standards

North America 1, North America, United States, USA, FSMA
Covers the PSR requirements

for fruit and vegetable producers supplying the US market

Farm 3, Farm, producer agriculture, plants, crops
Offers cost-efficient audits

for a wide range of fruit and vegetable farm sizes and types, including smallholders and producer groups

Certificate 2, Letter of conformance, GLOBALG.A.P., audit report
Delivers credible verification

of producer conformance, including an audit report issued by a GLOBALG.A.P. approved CB

Verification 2, Certificate validation, verification, certification status, recognition
Assures importers

that their international suppliers meet the verification requirements of the FSVP

Document 1, Document, checklist, add-on
Audited together

with IFA for fruit and vegetables to minimize the audit burden for producers

Which topics does the FSMA PSR add-on address?

FSMA is a comprehensive modification of the US food safety regulatory framework. One element of this, the PSR, establishes science-based minimum standards for the safe growing, harvesting, packing, and holding of fruits and vegetables grown for human consumption. The FSMA PSR add-on was developed as an initiative of the National Technical Working Group USA, harnessing expertise from across the value chain to reduce the audit burden for producers whose production processes are already certified to the IFA standard.

Core topics in the FSMA PSR add-on v1.2 include:

  • Worker qualification and training

  • Biological soil amendments

  • Growing, harvesting, packing, and holding activities

  • Equipment, tools, buildings, and sanitation

  • Records

  • Agricultural water (preharvest)

  • Agricultural water (harvest, postharvest water)

Discover how the FSMA PSR add-on helps you address challenges in the agricultural sector.

Image of a vegetable producer harvesting carrots for export

Who should use the FSMA PSR add-on?

The FSMA PSR add-on is applicable globally to fruit and vegetable producers who supply the US market.

The add-on offers cost-efficient audit options for both individual producers (single site and multisite producers) and producer groups, including smallholders. Producers can get audited in any country where a GLOBALG.A.P. approved certification body (CB) conducts audits.

The add-on must be paired with IFA for fruit and vegetables.

How does the FSMA PSR add-on work?

  • Compliance with the add-on requirements is audited annually by an accredited and independent third-party CB together with the annual IFA audit (or an audit against a benchmarked scheme/checklist).

  • Producers can choose from any GLOBALG.A.P. approved CB active in the relevant country – although the same CB which conducts the IFA audit must also conduct the FSMA PSR audit.

  • A successful CB audit results in a letter of conformance valid for one year.

  • The IFA and FSMA PSR add-on audit reports are provided to the producer to share with their supply chain as evidence of FSMA compliance.

The add-on is composed of principles and criteria (P&Cs). P&Cs are graded in two levels: Major Must and Recommendation.


  • Fundamentals that set the foundation of a GLOBALG.A.P. requirement

  • Written in statement form

  • Describe the outcome to achieve in the corresponding criteria


  • Methods that producers can use to demonstrate a principle to be true

  • Compliance can be demonstrated in different ways, e.g., data, record of procedure, etc.

  • Evidence must demonstrate that the outcome is achieved

Read more about the audit process and add-on requirements.

Infographic showing the control points and compliance criteria of the Food Safety Modernization Act Produce Safety Rule add-on version 2

How is conformance status verified?

Every producer registered in the GLOBALG.A.P. certification system is assigned a 13-digit GLOBALG.A.P. identification number (e.g., a GLOBALG.A.P. Number (GGN)). This number allows real-time verification of conformance status in the GLOBALG.A.P. IT systems, upholding our rigorous transparency requirements throughout the supply chain.

Producers can control data access and privacy rights for audit reports, and the reports are not shared publicly or with third parties. This process is handled via your chosen CB.

How do GLOBALG.A.P. solutions help meet FSMA requirements?

  • FSMA contains nine rules to ensure a safe food supply in the US market. 

  • The most relevant FSMA rules for fruit and vegetable production are the PSR, FSVP, and Preventive Controls for Human Food.

  • The FDA requires importers to apply the PSR and Preventive Controls for Human Food to their suppliers through the FSVP.

  • The IFA standard v5.4-1-GFS for fruit and vegetables with the FSMA PSR add-on v1.3 is officially recognized by the FDA, removing the need for importers to conduct an individual audit of each producer – saving both time and costs for supply chain stakeholders.

Alongside the FSMA PSR add-on, we offer two further solutions to support producers and supply chain stakeholders in meeting both FSMA requirements and market expectations for responsible farming practices. The Harmonized Produce Safety Standard (HPSS) and the Produce Handling Assurance (PHA) standard both support a streamlined audit and reporting experience.

Learn more about GLOBALG.A.P. smart farm assurance solutions related to FSMA compliance.

Latest news


26 September 2024

Version 6 of Primary Farm Assurance now available

The Primary Farm Assurance (PFA) program has been updated: Version 6 was published on 11 September 2024 and, following a six-month transition period, replaces v5 as of 1 March 2025.

Fruit and vegetables
Primary solutions
Capacity building

26 September 2024

IFA v6 GFS transition period confirmed

Following recognition of the Integrated Farm Assurance standard for plants and aquaculture from the Global Food Safety Initiative (GFSI) in August 2024, a transition period is now confirmed.

Core solutions

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Technical news updates for all add-ones can be found in our technical news libraries.

Simplify the path to Food Safety Modernization Act compliance

Why choose the Food Safety Modernization Act Produce Safety Rule add-on?

Developed in collaboration with supply chain stakeholders, the Food Safety Modernization Act (FSMA) Produce Safety Rule (PSR) add-on bridges the gap between FSMA PSR requirements and the existing food safety criteria of the Integrated Farm Assurance (IFA) standard for fruit and vegetables. Combined with IFA, the FSMA PSR add-on, as officially recognized by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA), supports a streamlined audit process and expedites regulatory inspections for importers – providing a practical and cost-effective path for producers to demonstrate FSMA compliance.

Which industry challenges does the FSMA PSR add-on address?

  • According to the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, approximately 48 million people in the United States – one in six – suffer from foodborne illnesses each year.

  • FSMA was introduced by the FDA to shift the attention from responding to food safety issues to preventing them, viewing the topic as not only a public health problem but also a threat to the long-term sustainability of the food supply chain.

  • The FDA now requires all importers of fruit and vegetable products to the US market to apply the FSMA rules through the Foreign Supplier Verification Program (FSVP) – ensuring that these products meet consistent science-based standards for food safety, preventive controls, and more.

  • In addition to other market demands on topics such as environmental sustainability and workers’ well-being, buyers are seeking a growing range of assurances, and producers are undergoing an increasing number of audits to satisfy them.

  • The FSMA PSR add-on is designed to build on existing principles and criteria in the IFA standard and is audited at the same time, allowing both producers and buyers to demonstrate compliance while reducing audit fatigue in the supply chain.

Follow our five steps to the FSMA PSR add-on to get started today.

FSMA PSR add-on in numbers (as of 31/12/2022)

Producer 1, Producer, farmer, stakeholder, supply chain, farm-level, smallholder

producers audited to the add-on

Globe 3, Globe, worldwide, network, implementation

countries with audited production processes

Farm 1, Farm, producer, agriculture, plants, crops

hectares of audited production

Image of a producer harvesting root vegetables

What are the benefits for producers?

  • Cover the FSMA PSR requirements for both US-based and international producers who supply fruit and vegetables to the US market.

  • Ensure efficiency, with the combination of IFA and the add-on recognized by the FDA and audited together annually.

  • Deliver credible verification of your efforts toward PSR implementation through a letter of conformance and audit report issued by an independent, third-party GLOBALG.A.P. approved certification body (CB).

  • Benefit from transparency through real-time conformance verification in the GLOBALG.A.P. IT systems.

  • Apply our farm assurance solutions on a wide range of farm types and sizes and access certification options for both individual producers and producer groups.

Image of the fresh produce section in a large retail store

What are the benefits for supply chain stakeholders?

  • Officially FDA-recognized, following GLOBALG.A.P. participation in the FDA’s voluntary pilot program to evaluate third-party food safety standards.

  • Provide importers with complete coverage of the PSR requirements for the FSVP.

  • Source from a growing pool of global suppliers with FSMA-compliant production processes.

  • Benefit from transparent, real-time online verification of a producer’s conformance status, including audit reports, in the GLOBALG.A.P. IT systems.

  • Choose from a flexible portfolio of farm assurance solutions that provides all the coverage you need through one certification system – including other solutions targeted at FSMA compliance.

Image of a person assembling wooden blocks that represent the activities of the GLOBALG.A.P. Integrity Program

Maintaining trust in GLOBALG.A.P. certification

The GLOBALG.A.P. Integrity Program was founded in 2008 as the first of its kind in food certification. Designed to ensure the consistent delivery and implementation of GLOBALG.A.P. standards and add-ons worldwide, the program monitors and assesses all aspects of the third-party certification process.

Which solutions can be combined with the FSMA PSR add-on?

The FSMA PSR add-on is designed to be paired with IFA certification for fruit and vegetables. Audits are conducted together with the IFA audit, allowing producers to extend their certification scope flexibly and efficiently through a single audit. The GLOBALG.A.P. portfolio also offers further solutions to address FSMA requirements for producers based in or exporting to the US market.

Learn more about GLOBALG.A.P. core solutions.

young woman pressing high tech virtual G button

Ready to get started?

Use our Smart Checklist Builder to easily understand which GLOBALG.A.P. smart farm assurance solutions are recommended for your production practices and generate a personalized checklist for your self-assessment.

Your guide to implementation

How to prepare for a Food Safety Modernization Act Produce Safety Rule add-on audit

Learn more about the key documents and fee structure of the Food Safety Modernization Act (FSMA) Produce Safety Rule (PSR) add-on. Follow our five steps to the FSMA PSR add-on for an overview of the audit process, and find a GLOBALG.A.P. approved certification body (CB) in your area to get started.

Implementation and CB audit process

How does the CB audit process work?

  • Designed to complement existing Integrated Farm Assurance (IFA) certification, compliance with the FSMA PSR add-on requirements is audited annually together with the IFA audit by accredited and independent third-party CBs.

  • Producers can choose from any GLOBALG.A.P. approved CB active in the relevant country – although the same CB which conducts the IFA audit must also conduct the FSMA PSR add-on audit.

  • A successful CB audit results in a letter of conformance valid for one year.

  • The CB is responsible for uploading the audit report and maintaining the accuracy of producer data in the GLOBALG.A.P. IT systems.

  • Producers will be audited annually by a CB as part of the renewal process.

Which documents are required?

  • FSMA PSR add-on general rules specifications: Rules that define how the audit process works, from the scope of the add-on to the audit requirements.

  • Principles and criteria (P&Cs): Principles are the fundamental requirements for each add-on. They describe the outcome to achieve and are accompanied by corresponding criteria that detail the various ways in which a producer can demonstrate compliance.

  • Checklist: The full list of add-on criteria as used by CB auditors, enabling producers to perform a self-assessment in preparation for the on-site audit.

Which versions of the FSMA PSR add-on are currently valid?

There are currently two valid versions of the FSMA PSR add-on.

  • The FSMA PSR add-on v1.3 is designed to be paired with IFA v5.4-1-GFS for fruit and vegetables (recognized by GFSI). It was published on 7 September 2022 and became obligatory on 7 December 2022. This combination of IFA plus the FSMA PSR add-on remains available until GFSI recognition of IFA v6 GFS is achieved.

  • The FSMA PSR add-on v2 was published on 28 August 2023. It becomes obligatory to combine with IFA v6 from 1 January 2024.

The FAQ contains more information on documents, the renewal process, and more.

Image of a certification body auditor completing an audit report at a production site

What are the FSMA PSR add-on requirements?

P&Cs are graded in two levels: Major Must and Recommendation.

  • To pass a CB audit, producers must comply with 100% of the Major Musts.

  • Corrective actions must be proposed for all non-compliances and submitted to the CB within the specified period.

  • Non-compliances must then be verified as corrected and compliant by the CB before a letter of conformance can be issued.

How much does a FSMA PSR add-on audit cost?

Each farm is unique, and the total audit costs depend on a combination of factors such as farm size, number of sites, location, necessary preparation measures (such as establishing new procedures), and more. The FSMA PSR add-on contains three cost elements:

  1. Implementation costs: Incurred by the producer to prepare for the CB audit

  2. CB service fees: Determined and invoiced by the CB to cover audit time and travel costs

  3. GLOBALG.A.P. registration and assessment license fee: See the GLOBALG.A.P. fee table for information on regional fees

The GLOBALG.A.P. fee table contains full information on the fee structure for each standard and add-on.

Five steps to the FSMA PSR add-on

Key documents

The three most relevant documents are linked below. Click ‘view more’ to see further related documents. Remember to always check with your CB that you have all necessary documents prior to audit.

FSMA PSR add-on for fruit and vegetables

Guidelines and supporting documents


English | Last updated: 28/08/2024


Guidelines and supporting documents are developed by the GLOBALG.A.P. Secretariat to help producers understand the terminology, legal requirements, and farm-level implementation of GLOBALG.A.P. standards and add-ons.

FSMA PSR add-on

Principles and criteria (P&Cs) (CPCCs)


English | Last updated: 28/08/2024


Principles and criteria are a complete list of the requirements for a given standard or add-on. The foundational requirements each detail an outcome that must be achieved, and the corresponding ways in which compliance can be demonstrated.

FSMA PSR add-on specifications

Rules and regulations


English | Last updated: 28/08/2024


Rules and regulations define how a specific standard must be implemented – from the certification scope to the audit requirements for certification bodies.

GLOBALG.A.P. approved CBs

The list of GLOBALG.A.P. approved CBs can be filtered by region, country, scope, and status. Click a CB to find more information and contact details.

If you do not filter your search, or filter only according to region and/or country, your search results will also show CBs that offer certification against benchmarked schemes, but which may not have approval for any GLOBALG.A.P. standards and add-ons.

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Head office:






CTR Uluslararası Belgelendirme ve Denetim Ltd. Şti.


Head office:






Green Certificaciones e Inspecciones S.C.


Head office:



Provisionally approved



Bureau Veritas Certification Denmark A/S


Head office:






UK Food Certification Ltd


Head office:

United Kingdom





1st Solution Certification USA, Inc.


Head office:

United States of America







Head office:






Eurofins Assurance Vietnam Limited Liability Company


Head office:

Viet Nam





SGS Italia S.p.A.


Head office:






Japan Organic & Natural Foods Association


Head office:








Head office:








Head office:



Czech Republic






ACERTA Certificación, S.L.


Head office:








Acoura Marine Ltd. trading as LRQA


Head office:

United Kingdom







Head office:






Yellow Card sanction according to GR v6, Rules for Certification Bodies, 11.3.

Image of producers receiving a farm tour during a capacity-building training program

Capacity building

Need assistance with the certification process? Our capacity-building program offers a range of options for training, consultation, and more!

Upcoming events

22 Oct - 23 Oct


Academy training: GRASP v2 in Spanish

Location: Online
Event type: Academy course
Event format: Virtual

Capacity building
Add-ons to core solutions
Workers’ well-being

25 Oct - 27 Dec


Public consultation on the new Responsible Flowers and Ornamentals standard

Location: Online
Event type: Public consultation
Event format: Virtual

Flowers and ornamentals
Primary solutions

A brief history of the FSMA PSR add-on


The creation of the add-on is initiated by the National Technical Working Group USA in 2018. Initially planned as a self-assessment for producers, the add-on is developed and trialed with support of a dedicated focus group including participants from producers, CBs, supply chain stakeholders, and retailers.  

The FSMA PSR add-on v1 launches, bridging the gap between the requirements in IFA for fruit and vegetables and those of the PSR. Over 100 producers in six countries achieve a certificate of conformance in this first year.


A first update incorporating stakeholder feedback after the first year of implementation – FSMA PSR add-on v1.1 – is published in February 2019, becoming obligatory in May. Later that year, a v1.2 update is published in November.


The FSMA PSR add-on v1.2 becomes obligatory from February 2020. There are now over 2,200 producers with production processes audited to the FSMA PSR add-on – a 73% increase on the previous year. The add-on is implemented in 14 different countries.  

In October 2020, the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) launches the “Voluntary Pilot Program to Evaluate Alignment of Third-Party Food Safety Standards with FSMA Rules.” Assessing the alignment of private standards with the requirements in the PSR and Preventive Controls for Human Food, the FDA selects IFA v5.4-1-GFS plus the FSMA PSR add-on v1.2 to take part in the pilot program.


Following review by an FDA technical expert as part of the ongoing pilot program, any inconsistencies of IFA v5.4-1-GFS plus the FSMA PSR add-on v1.2 are discussed and resolved, resulting in the development of v1.3. By the end of 2021, over 3,050 producers’ production processes are audited to the FSMA PSR add-on across 15 countries.


The revised v1.3 is submitted to the FDA and then published in September 2022, becoming obligatory in December. Development also begins on the FSMA PSR add-on v2 to bring it in line with the new smart approach of IFA v6 (launched in April 2022).


In July 2023, the FDA formally recognizes IFA v5.4-1-GFS plus the FSMA PSR add-on v1.3, marking a major milestone for the add-on. In August, the FSMA PSR add-on v2 is published.


Questions about FSMA?

See our dedicated FAQ for information on FSMA rules for the fresh produce industry, including producers, postharvest facilities, importers, and certification bodies.

Image of a customer support agent advising a stakeholder

Contact us

For technical/interpretation questions, please contact us at

For questions about the audit process or GLOBALG.A.P. IT systems, please contact us at