Image of a farm with a conceptual overlay of digital metrics

Add-on to core solution

Impact-Driven Approach to Sustainability add-on

Connected to an established farm management software, the Impact-Driven Approach to Sustainability (IDA) add-on enables producers to collect their input consumption data and sustainability metrics, and transform the information into records that can track progress, guide optimization efforts, and demonstrate sustainability credentials.

Target sustainability through impact-driven farming

What is the Impact-Driven Approach to Sustainability add-on?

The Impact-Driven Approach to Sustainability (IDA) add-on facilitates the digital registration of input consumption data and sustainability metrics, as well as the creation of anonymized comparison reports of peer producers with similar production conditions. An impact-driven approach helps producers identify areas for improvement and promote more sustainable farming practices.

IDA add-on at a glance

Metrics 1, Metrics, measurability, monitoring, identification, optimization, continuous improvement, impact-driven, IDA
Tracks sustainability data

and identifies areas for improvement

FMS 1, Farm management system, FMS, software, platform, environmental monitoring, performance
Works with a farm management software

that is GLOBALG.A.P. approved and chosen by the producer

Metrics 3, Metrics, monitoring, report, peer comparison, performance, optimization, IDA, RMS
Supports producers

with metric-based farm management

Document 1, Document, checklist, add-on
Audited at farm level

together with IFA to reduce audit time and save costs

Metrics 2, Metrics, measurability, monitoring, identification, optimization, continuous improvement, plants, IDA
Provides anonymized comparison

reports of peer producers from aggregated data, supporting current performance insights

Certificate 1, Certificate, GLOBALG.A.P., accreditation
Results in a letter of conformance

to demonstrate the implementation of sustainability practices

Image of a producer planting young flowers

Who should use the IDA add-on?

The IDA add-on is available in two scopes, applicable to plants (fruit and vegetables, flowers and ornamentals, combinable crops, plant propagation material, hops, and tea) and aquaculture.

The IDA add-on is designed for producers who already have Integrated Farm Assurance (IFA) certification.
For flower and ornamental producers who are interested in the IDA add-on but do not have IFA certification or a benchmarked equivalent, we offer a primary solution which can be implemented independently and provides the same benefits.

IDA is available for producers of all sizes, from smallholders to large producer groups, and producers can get audited in any country where a GLOBALG.A.P. approved certification body (CB) conducts audits.

Image of a producer assessing environmental metrics in the field using a tablet

Farm management software and the IDA add-on

Farm management software is becoming increasingly prevalent as digitalization spreads within the farming sector. It is used to manage farm operations and production processes, and now also to send the relevant data to the GLOBALG.A.P. IT systems.

Producers wishing to implement the IDA add-on must use a GLOBALG.A.P. approved farm management software provider to ensure that it is compatible with the GLOBALG.A.P. IT systems.

Which data is collected?

The IDA add-on applies to sustainability metrics which many producers already collect, via a farm management software or other methods.

For plants, the relevant data may vary according to farm type but is related to:

  • Plant protection products

  • Fertilizer application (e.g., nitrogen, phosphorus, or potassium contents)

  • Water use

  • Energy efficiency

For aquaculture, the relevant data is related to:

  • Energy efficiency

  • Feed indicators including fishmeal and fish oil quantities

  • Mortality and escape indicators

  • Antimicrobial and vaccination indicators

Infographic showing the five-step process of the Impact-Driven Approach to Sustainability

How the IDA add-on works

Image of a producer recording production data on a tablet

Each month, producers share their input consumption data via a compatible farm management software. This record-keeping procedure is audited annually at farm level by a CB.

Image of a producer in a field monitoring environmental metrics

The data collected in step 1 is sent to the GLOBALG.A.P. IT systems via an API connection.

Image of an example digital interface for farm metric monitoring

The GLOBALG.A.P. IT systems pool the data and return anonymized, aggregated data to the producer’s farm management software (all data that the farm management software shares with the GLOBALG.A.P. Secretariat is treated confidentially).

Image of a producer generating a report on farm environmental data

The farm management software creates historical trend graphs and anonymized comparison reports of peer producers (producers in the same region, producing the same crop or aquaculture product in the same conditions). These reports are returned to the producers.

Image of a producer adjusting production processes based on data insights

Producers use the reports to inform decision-making and improve their farm’s efficiency and their environmental credentials. 

Discover how the IDA add-on helps you address sector challenges.

Infographic showing examples of Impact-Driven Approach to Sustainability peer comparison reports

What do comparison reports of peer producers look like?

The farm management software will provide producers with comparison reports which have been created from the aggregated and anonymized data from similar producers as shared with the GLOBALG.A.P. Secretariat. The design of these may vary since they are created by the chosen farm management software, but the examples below offer an idea of how they display data.

How does the IDA add-on audit work?

The annual IDA add-on audit confirms that the producer is recording and submitting relevant and accurate data via the farm management software.

  • After sharing data for a minimum of three consecutive months, producers can be audited against the IDA add-on by a GLOBALG.A.P. approved CB of their choice.

  • IDA compliance is audited annually by accredited and independent third-party CBs. The initial audit may be conducted independently, but the following audits must be conducted together with the annual IFA audit (or an audit against a benchmarked scheme/checklist).

  • Producers can choose from any GLOBALG.A.P. approved CB active in the relevant country – although the same CB which conducts the IFA audit must also conduct the IDA add-on audit.

  • A successful CB audit results in a letter of conformance valid for one year which may be used to meet buyer requirements or demonstrate a commitment to sustainability.

The standard is composed of principles and criteria (P&Cs). P&Cs are graded in two levels: Major Must and Recommendation.


  • Fundamentals that set the foundation of a GLOBALG.A.P. requirement

  • Written in statement form

  • Describe the outcome to be achieved in the corresponding criteria


  • Methods that producers can use to demonstrate a principle to be true

  • Compliance can be demonstrated in different ways, e.g., data, record of procedure

  • Evidence must demonstrate that the outcome is achieved

Read more about the audit process and add-on requirements.

How is conformance status verified?

Every producer registered in the GLOBALG.A.P. certification system is assigned a 13-digit GLOBALG.A.P. identification number (e.g., a GLOBALG.A.P. Number (GGN)). This number allows real-time verification of conformance status in the GLOBALG.A.P. IT systems, upholding our rigorous transparency requirements throughout the supply chain.

In order to maintain a valid letter of conformance, the producer must continue sharing data for all relevant metrics on a monthly basis. If the data is not shared with the GLOBALG.A.P. Secretariat by the 25th of the following month, the producer receives a warning notification from their CB. After the third warning notification, the product is suspended until the gap in the data is closed. This process is handled via your chosen CB.

Producers can control data access and privacy rights for audit reports, and the reports are not shared publicly or with third parties.

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Fruit and vegetables
Core solutions
Food safety
Workers’ well-being

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Learn from valuable insights and strengthen your sustainability credentials

Why choose the Impact-Driven Approach to Sustainability add-on?

The agricultural sector depends on a variety of resources, both natural and synthetic, to produce our food, fibers, and plants. With global climate goals in mind, there is growing pressure on producers to minimize their input consumption while sustaining sufficient production levels and protecting the environment. Environmental certification is therefore crucial for promoting sector transformation towards more sustainable farming practices. The Impact-Driven Approach to Sustainability (IDA) add-on can support producers on their sustainability journey by turning sustainability metrics into practical information.

Which industry challenges does the IDA add-on address?

With global climate goals in mind, there is growing pressure on producers to minimize their consumption of inputs such as pesticides, fertilizers, and energy.

  • To demonstrate commitment to sustainability, producers need to show proof of their continuous, measurable efforts to optimize environmental metrics.

  • Data records enable producers to observe trends, evaluate performance, and correlate productivity and environmental impact.

  • The IDA add-on provides further insights for continuous improvement via historical trend graphs for the sector and anonymized comparison reports of peer producers.

  • Practical information formed of aggregated data can equip producers with the knowledge they need to measure themselves and adapt where possible.

Follow our five steps to the IDA add-on to get started today.

IDA add-on in numbers (as of 31/12/2022)

Producer 1, Producer, farmer, stakeholder, supply chain, farm-level, smallholder

certified producers

Globe 3, Globe, worldwide, network, implementation

countries with audited production processes

Farm 1, Farm, producer, agriculture, plants, crops

hectares of audited production

Image of a body of water with digital environmental technology concept overlay

What are the benefits for producers?

  • Track input consumption and other sustainability metrics to increase awareness of your long-term environmental performance.

  • Gain insights via historical trend graphs and comparison reports of peer producers, which enable you to optimize your production processes over time and support decision-making.

  • Work to minimize your input consumption, which may reduce the financial burden and strengthen your position in the market.

  • Rest assured your individual and identifiable data is not shared with other parties and your sustainability efforts are not scored or ranked publicly against other producers.

  • Freely choose your farm management software (from a list of approved providers) and certification body (CB) in the open market.

  • Combine the IDA add-on audit with your Integrated Farm Assurance (IFA) audit for maximum efficiency.

  • Prepare for the future of metric-based certification and footprint calculations with digital sustainability data.

Image of a body of water with digital overlay of environmental technology concept and connected supply chains

What are the benefits for supply chain stakeholders?

  • Contribute to global environmental goals by supporting a network of producers who are committed to continuous improvement in environmental sustainability.

  • Source from a growing pool of local and regional producers who use data insights to inform their continuous improvement plan.

  • Benefit from transparency through real-time conformance verification in the GLOBALG.A.P. IT systems.

Image of a person assembling wooden blocks that represent the activities of the GLOBALG.A.P. Integrity Program

Maintaining trust in GLOBALG.A.P. certification

The GLOBALG.A.P. Integrity Program was founded in 2008 as the first of its kind in food certification. Designed to ensure the consistent delivery and implementation of GLOBALG.A.P. standards and add-ons worldwide, the program monitors and assesses all aspects of the third-party certification process.

Which solutions can be combined with the IDA add-on?  

The IDA add-on is designed to be paired with IFA certification. Audits are conducted together with the IFA audit, allowing producers to extend their certification scope flexibly and efficiently through a single audit.

Learn more about GLOBALG.A.P. core solutions.

young woman pressing high tech virtual G button

Ready to get started?

Use our Smart Checklist Builder to easily understand which GLOBALG.A.P. smart farm assurance solutions are recommended for your production practices and generate a personalized checklist for your self-assessment.

Your guide to implementation

How to prepare for an Impact-Driven Approach to Sustainability add-on audit

Learn more about the key documents and fee structure of the Impact-Driven Approach to Sustainability (IDA) add-on. Follow our five steps to the IDA add-on for an overview of the audit process, and find a GLOBALG.A.P. approved certification body (CB) in your area to get started.

Implementation and CB audit process

How does the CB audit process work?

  • After sharing data for a minimum of three consecutive months via an approved farm management software, producers can be audited against the IDA add-on by a GLOBALG.A.P. approved CB of their choice.

  • Producers can choose from any GLOBALG.A.P. approved CB active in the relevant country – although the same CB which conducts the Integrated Farm Assurance (IFA) must also conduct the IDA add-on audit.

  • The initial audit may be conducted independently, but the following audits must be conducted together with the annual IFA audit (or an audit against a benchmarked scheme/checklist).

  • A successful CB audit results in a letter of conformance valid for one year. In order to maintain a valid letter of conformance, the producer must continue sharing data for all relevant metrics on a monthly basis.

  • The CB is responsible for uploading the audit report and maintaining the accuracy of producer data in the GLOBALG.A.P. IT systems.

  • Producers will be audited annually by a CB as part of the renewal process.

Which documents are required?

  • GLOBALG.A.P. general regulations specifications: Rules that define how the audit process works, from the scope of the add-on to the audit requirements.

    Principles and criteria (P&Cs): Principl

  • s are the fundamental requirements for each add-on. They describe the outcome to achieve and are accompanied by corresponding criteria that detail the various ways in which a producer can demonstrate compliance.

  • Checklist: The full list of add-on criteria as used by CB auditors, enabling producers to conduct a self-assessment in preparation for the CB audit.

Which version of the IDA add-on is currently valid?

There is one version of the IDA add-on available for audit.

  • V1 for plants and v1 for aquaculture were published on 13 November 2023 and become obligatory for use with all versions of IFA from 1 January 2024.

  • The previous IDA v1 published on 28 October 2020 – for flowers and ornamentals only – will be replaced by the new IDA for plants on 1 January 2024.

The FAQ contains more information on documents, the renewal process, and more.

Image of a certification body auditors in a wheat field checking implementation

What are the IDA add-on requirements?

P&Cs are graded in two levels: Major Must and Recommendation.

  • To pass a CB audit, producers must comply with 100% of the Major Musts.

  • Corrective actions must be proposed for all non-compliances and submitted to the CB within the specified period.

  • Non-compliances must then be verified as corrected and compliant by the CB before a letter of conformance can be issued.

  • In order to maintain a valid letter of conformance, the producer must continue sharing data for all relevant metrics on a monthly basis.

  • If the data is not shared with the GLOBALG.A.P. Secretariat by the 25th of the following month, the producer receives a warning notification from their CB. After the third warning notification, the product is suspended until the gap in the data is closed.

How much does an IDA add-on audit cost?

Each farm is unique, and the total audit costs depend on a combination of factors such as farm size, number of sites, location, necessary preparation measures (such as establishing new procedures), and more. The IDA add-on contains four cost elements:

  1. Farm management software license fee: Determined and invoiced by the chosen farm management software provider required for the IDA add-on

  2. Implementation costs: Incurred by the producer to prepare for the CB audit

  3. CB service fees: Determined and invoiced by the CB to cover audit time and travel costs

  4. GLOBALG.A.P. registration fee: Calculated based on farm size and invoiced by the CB

The GLOBALG.A.P. fee table contains full information on the fee structure for each standard and add-on.

Five steps to the IDA add-on

Close up of hands typing on a laptop

Search the list of GLOBALG.A.P. approved farm management software providers. Contact the provider of your choice and start digitally sharing your input consumption data. Note that the GLOBALG.A.P. fee table does not contain or include farm management software license fees.

Young farmer conducting a self-assessment with the help of a Registered Trainer

You will need the GLOBALG.A.P. general regulations specifications, the IDA add-on P&Cs, and the checklist. All of the required documents are available online, for free, and in multiple languages. They are linked below and can also be found in the GLOBALG.A.P. document center. Use the documents to guide the implementation of the add-on requirements, and then conduct a self-assessment using the checklist.

Farmer planning their audit request over the phone with their chosen CB

After sharing data for a minimum of three consecutive months, you can plan your CB audit. Search the list of GLOBALG.A.P. approved CBs by region, country, scope, and status. Contact the CB of your choice and request an audit. Note that the GLOBALG.A.P. fee table does not cover CB service fees such as audit time or travel costs to your site, or farm management software license fees.

Flower producer being audited

The CB will conduct the audit to confirm the completeness and reliability of the data and upload the results to Audit Online Hub. Any non-compliances which are detected during the CB audit must be corrected within the specified period and verified by the CB before a letter of conformance can be issued. All data belongs to the producer and is used to generate comparison reports.

Product farmer after receiving their certificate

Once all requirements are met and verified by the CB, they will issue your IDA add-on letter of conformance. Your status is then publicly visible in the GLOBALG.A.P. IT systems for transparency in the market. In order to maintain a valid letter of conformance, the producer must continue sharing data for all relevant metrics on a monthly basis. If the data is not shared, the producer receives a warning notification from their CB. After the third warning notification, the product is suspended until the gap in the data is closed.

Key documents

The most relevant documents are linked below. Click ‘view more’ to see further related documents. Remember to always check with your CB that you have all necessary documents prior to audit.

IDA add-on

Principles and criteria (P&Cs) (CPCCs)


English | Last updated: 18/07/2024


Principles and criteria are a complete list of the requirements for a given standard or add-on. The foundational requirements each detail an outcome that must be achieved, and the corresponding ways in which compliance can be demonstrated.

IDA add-on

Principles and criteria (P&Cs) (CPCCs)


English | Last updated: 13/05/2024


Principles and criteria are a complete list of the requirements for a given standard or add-on. The foundational requirements each detail an outcome that must be achieved, and the corresponding ways in which compliance can be demonstrated.

IDA add-on

Rules and regulations


English | Last updated: 07/03/2024


Rules and regulations define how a specific standard must be implemented – from the certification scope to the audit requirements for certification bodies.

GLOBALG.A.P. approved CBs

The list of GLOBALG.A.P. approved CBs can be filtered by region, country, scope, and status. Click a CB to find more information and contact details.

If you do not filter your search, or filter only according to region and/or country, your search results will also show CBs that offer certification against benchmarked schemes, but which may not have approval for any GLOBALG.A.P. standards and add-ons.

1 - 15 of 193








CTR Uluslararası Belgelendirme ve Denetim Ltd. Şti.







Bureau Veritas Certification Denmark A/S







UK Food Certification Ltd


United Kingdom





1st Solution Certification USA, Inc.


United States of America












Eurofins Assurance Vietnam Limited Liability Company


Viet Nam





SGS Italia S.p.A.







Japan Organic & Natural Foods Association





















ACERTA Certificación, S.L.







Acoura Marine Ltd. trading as LRQA


United Kingdom





Compound Feed Manufacturing Standard v.2 accreditation is limited to aquaculture feed








Yellow Card sanction according to GR v6, Rules for Certification Bodies, 11.3.

AGFO Teknik Kontrol ve Belgelendirme Hizmetleri Ltd. Şti.






Image of producers receiving a farm tour during a capacity-building training program

GLOBALG.A.P. Capacity building

Need assistance with the certification process? Our capacity-building program offers a range of options for training, consultation, and more!

Upcoming events

15 Aug


IFA supports people: Fostering ethical labor practices for a sustainable future

Location: Online
Event type: Webinar
Event format: Virtual

Core solutions
Add-ons to core solutions
Workers’ well-being

21 Aug


Flowers and Ornamentals Focus Group meeting

Location: Online
Event type: Meeting
Event format: Virtual

Flowers and ornamentals

GLOBALG.A.P. approved farm management software providers

Filter the list below to find compatible FMS providers approved for the Impact-Driven Approach to Sustainability (IDA) add-on. 

1 - 9 of 9

Fresh Info bv: Operating under name of GreenlinQdata

Solution name


Approved for

Impact Driven Approach (IDA)

Languages available






Agrifirm NWE

Solution name

GMN Crop

Approved for

Impact Driven Approach (IDA)

Languages available


Farm Manager

Solution name

Manage all farm activities and products in one place, achieve higher profitability while maintaining Food Safety standards

Approved for

Impact Driven Approach (IDA)

Languages available






AKOLogic Solutions ltd

Solution name


Approved for

Impact Driven Approach (IDA)

Languages available













Management Technology Consulting (MTC)

Solution name


Approved for


Languages available


Azzule Systems

Solution name

Azzule Auditing Software

Approved for

Audit Online Hub (AOH)

Languages available



Solution name


Approved for

Audit Online Hub (AOH)

Languages available

English Limited

Solution name


Approved for

Audit Online Hub (AOH)

Languages available



Solution name

Intact Platform

Approved for

Audit Online Hub (AOH)

Languages available


A brief history of the IDA add-on


The first IDA add-on is published in 2020 for the floriculture sector only. It offers a metrics-based and outcome-oriented solution in response to market demand for environmental registration solutions in the Floriculture Sustainability Initiative’s “Basket of standards”.


The IDA add-on requires time for producers to adapt and begin entering data for a minimum of three months before the CB audit. The first producer is audited in April 2021 and by the end of the year, four producers are audited against the IDA add-on in two countries.


Revision of the first IDA add-on begins. The next version is applicable to additional product categories and feature a streamlined checklist. By the end of the year, almost 100 flower and ornamental producers are sending data to the GLOBALG.A.P. IT systems.


The new checklists – IDA add-on v1 for aquaculture and v1 for plants (flowers and ornamentals, fruits and vegetables, combinable crops, plant propagation material, hops, and tea) are published in November 2023.


Image of a customer support agent advising a stakeholder

Contact us

For technical/interpretation questions, please contact us at

For questions about the audit process or GLOBALG.A.P. IT systems, please contact us at