31 July 2023

Mexican producer achieves first IFA v6 GFS certification in the Americas

In May 2023, Contreras Avocados y Ganado S.P.R. de R.L. de C.V. received certification to the GLOBALG.A.P. Integrated Farm Assurance (IFA) version 6 GFS for fruit and vegetables.

Fruit and vegetables
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Image of the first Mexican producer to achieve IFA v6 GFS certification

In May 2023, Contreras Avocados y Ganado S.P.R. de R.L. de C.V., located in Ciudad Guzmán in the Mexican state of Jalisco, received certification to the GLOBALG.A.P. Integrated Farm Assurance (IFA) version 6 GFS for fruit and vegetables – the first IFA v6 GFS certification across the Americas. 

It was also the avocado producer’s first certification to the flagship IFA standard. Contreras Avocados y Ganado pursued certification through the certification body Asociación Mexicana de Evaluadores de la Normatividad A.C. The certification will allow the producer to standardize production processes, monitor and improve environmental sustainability and food safety practices, ensure workers’ well-being and product traceability, and increase access to their avocado products across local and international markets. 

The Contreras family and their workers are very pleased with the certification and its benefits, especially the safety requirements included in the standard. In reflecting on the path to certification, Jeovanny Contreras, Safety Manager, said: “From the beginning we didn’t just focus on complying with the requirements of certification as a protocol, but we were interested because we knew that we would be the first to benefit. It was easy for the workers to adapt, and they realized that it was beneficial for everyone.”  

GLOBALG.A.P. solutions – key to exports 

Mexico has a vast network of free trade agreements with 50 countries, as well as many other economic agreements related to trade across Latin America and around the world.

  1. Avocados are one of the nation’s most successful agri-food exports, with Mexico acting as the largest supplier to the international market, making up between 55% and 60% of the value of world exports.

  2. The country has established itself as an avocado export powerhouse through optimal schemes for food safety and efforts to reach new markets across the European Union and the European Free Trade Association (EFTA). Mexico exports avocados to over 50 countries, with the top destinations being the United States, Canada, and Japan. Demand for the crop increased in all three countries between 2018 and 2022.

  3. As avocado demand grows, it’s increasingly important for producers to hold globally recognized certification for responsible farming practices which ensures commitment to issues such as food safety, biodiversity, and workers’ well-being. The IFA standard meets this need while continuously improving and innovating, helping suppliers stand out in competitive international markets.

Pioneers in certification 

The GLOBALG.A.P. Secretariat is proud to congratulate Contreras Avocados y Ganado for this achievement – the first step in bringing Mexico and the rest of Latin America into the era of GLOBALG.A.P. smart farm assurance solutions. Spearheaded by the new and improved IFA standard v6, the whole GLOBALG.A.P. portfolio is being updated to offer more streamlined, intuitive, and digital solutions for the entire sector. 

IFA v6 is available in two parallel editions, IFA v6 GFS and IFA v6 Smart. Contreras Avocados y Ganado opted for IFA v6 GFS, whichis designed for producers who require certification with Global Food Safety Initiative (GFSI) recognition. GFSI recognition is expected in late 2024. 

Photo: from left to right
Tania Nieves, AMENAC's legal representative, Marco Villegas, GLOBALG.A.P.'s Key Account Manager and APEAJAL representative. (Association of Avocado Exporters Producers of Jalisco).

  1. SAGARPA (2017) Planeación agrícola nacional 2017-2030. Available at: https://www.gob.mx/cms/uploads/attachment/file/257067/Potencial-Aguacate.pdf (Accessed: 10 July 2023)

  2. FAO (2023) Principales Frutas Tropicales. Análisis del mercado. Resultados preliminares 2022. Available at: https://www.fao.org/3/cc3939es/cc3939es.pdf (Accessed: 10 July 2023)

  3. SIAP (2023) Panorama Agroalimentario 2022. Available at: https://online.pubhtml5.com/aheiy/gryd/#p=8 (Accessed: 10 July 2023) 

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