27 May 2024

Developing the new environmental sustainability solution: Where are we now?

A new solution for environmental topics is currently in development. As we enter the second round of public consultation, where you are invited to submit your feedback, it’s a good opportunity to catch up on the development process so far and what to expect with the new solution.

Flowers and ornamentals
Fruit and vegetables
Combinable crops
Environmental sustainability
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Invitation to submit comments and participate in the public consultation of the new environmental sustainability solution frrom GLOBALG.A.P.  29 July to 5 July 2024.

Developing the new environmental sustainability solution: Where are we now?

A new solution for environmental topics is currently in development. As we enter the second round of public consultation, where you are invited to submit your feedback, it’s a good opportunity to catch up on the development process so far and what to expect with the new solution.

Background information and objective

Environmental sustainability is becoming increasingly important in the farming industry. While GLOBALG.A.P.’s holistic Integrated Farm Assurance (IFA) standard includes core requirements relating to environmental sustainability, some stakeholders want to go that extra mile to demonstrate their commitment to this crucial topic. The decision was therefore made to develop a new farm assurance solution that can support this, combining topics from existing add-ons with newer sustainability topics.

What we know so far about the new solution

In development since mid-2023, the new solution for environmental sustainability is due to launch in 2025. It will be availablein both an add-on and stand-alone standard format, applicable to the plants scope for the following product categories: flowers and ornamentals, fruit and vegetables, and combinable crops.

To avoid the proliferation of standards, the intention is to consolidate existing GLOBALG.A.P. solutions for environmental responsibility, such as SPRING and BioDiversity, into one modular solution, as well as incorporating further environmental topics such as greenhouse gases, environmental footprint methods, and, agricultural regeneration. A smooth transition will be provided to current users of the current SPRING and BioDiversity add-ons.

Participants in the development process

To ensure the new solution is fit for purpose and addresses the needs of our stakeholders, we work closely with all stakeholders during the development phase. An Environmental Sustainability Working Group was set up, incorporating around 80 organizations that represent various regions and roles in the value chains.

Sorted into subgroups for different topics, the working group members meet online to offer key insights, explore synergies, discuss key contents, and - above all – help us in working towards a solution that is implementable and effective worldwide.

Public consultation round 2

During the first round of public consultation in 2023, we introduced the initial concept, drafted several principles and criteria, and outlined some general rules.

We are now entering the second round of public consultation, where we will break down the framework, using specific examples, to explain it in a way that is easy to comprehend. From 29 May to 5 July 2024, we encourage all stakeholders to submit feedback and ask questions to drive the conversation forward.

Your feedback is instrumental in shaping a comprehensive and effective framework, so we invite you to dive in and contribute your input:

Click here to participate in the public consultation

(Please note that the public consultation portal is only accessible between 29 May and 5 July)

Overview of the development journey

  • Q2 2023: Concept development and initial drafting

  • Q3 2023: First round of public consultation (September to October) We introduced the initial concept, invited stakeholders to give feedback on topics such as water, biodiversity, greenhouse gases, environmental footprint methods, agricultural regeneration and food loss.[IK4] We drafted several principles and criteria, and outlined some general rules.

  • Q4 2023: Review and integration of feedback

  • Q2 2024: Second round of public consultation – We will concentrate on the framework, i.e., how the different topics come together and shape the general rules.

  • Q3–Q4 2024: Trials, development of training materials, third public consultation on the final draft (if required)

  • 2025: Launch

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