29 June 2020

A good start to the world consultation tour

Through the WCT, GLOBALG.A.P. has created a space for continuous feedback and exchange – far almost 50 meetings have been conducted in 8 different languages.

Core solutions
Fruit and vegetables
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We are working at full speed to make IFA version 6 the most comprehensively reviewed primary production standard yet. The past four weeks mark the first round of GLOBALG.A.P.’s World Consultation Tour; a year-long series of online meetings.

50 meetings in 8 different languages

We consider the revision and improvement of IFA v6 to be a collaborative project of all stakeholders and partners involved in and concerned with good agricultural practices. Through the World Consultation Tour, GLOBALG.A.P. has created a space for continuous feedback and exchange – thus far almost 50 meetings have been conducted in 8 different languages, providing room for people from all over the world to participate in live, online discussions with GLOBALG.A.P. experts and members and fellows from the GLOBALG.A.P. Board and Technical Committees.

I joined the World Consultation Tour meeting for producers that was targeted at the Fruit & Vegetable scope,’ says Guy Callebaut, VBT - Association of Belgian Horti. Coop. and Chairman of the GLOBALG.A.P. Board. ‘ We had a very fruitful and interesting discussion about the upcoming changes of v6 of the GLOBALG.A.P. standard. The online meeting is a very good opportunity to give direct feedback to the GLOBALG.A.P. technical experts.’

Recent World Consultation Tour meetings covered the scopes of Aquaculture and Fruit & Vegetables and addressed relevant target groups including retailers, certification bodies, producers, and NGOs. Last month we introduced meetings directly tackling the results of the work done by the respective Technical Committees, which asked for input on document structure, simplification, and topics such as water risk assessment, fertilizer usage, and workers’ health and safety.

But we won’t stop here. In order to create a comprehensive standard, a multitude of topics and questions need to be discussed.

We invite you to remain engaged with ongoing developments as more and more World Consultation Tour meetings with additional focuses are being added to the range of conferences offered.

Feedback and comments are continuously collected from the World Consultation Tour meetings as well as from written feedback on the draft standards for public consultation received via publiccomments@globalgap.org

Before its launch in September 2021, we encourage you to engage with us to make IFA v6 your product as well.

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