26 August 2023

New TR4 Biosecurity Standard now available

Banana and plantain producers can now secure the future viability of their crops with a new GLOBALG.A.P. solution: the TR4 Biosecurity Standard.

Fruit and vegetables
Core solutions
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Image of a farm worker harvesting bananas

Banana and plantain producers can now secure the future viability of their crops with a new GLOBALG.A.P. solution: the TR4 Biosecurity Standard. The standard outlines a risk mitigation plan for minimizing the spread of the Tropical Race 4 fungus – also known as “Foc TR4” or Fusarium oxysporumf. sp. cubense – to, within, and from farms.  

Foc TR4 is one of the most destructive diseases in banana and plantain crops and the most imminent threat to the sector and the economic livelihood of farmers who depend on these crops for their subsistence.As there is currently no effective treatment for the fungus, the only viableoption for producers is to take preventive measures, such as those detailed in the TR4 Biosecurity Standard.  

While the TR4 Biosecurity Add-on for Bananas, published in 2017, is already available to producers certified to the Integrated Farm Assurance (IFA) standard for fruit and vegetables, the new TR4 Biosecurity Standard represents a standalone solution for producers who do not have another form of GLOBALG.A.P. certification. It provides an invaluable tool for preventing the spread of the pathogen between farms and countries and, most importantly, helps raise awareness about the gravity of the disease on a global scale. 

The standard is available to individual producers of all sizes around the world, from smallholders to multisite producers. It covers producers who wish to prevent the introduction of Foc TR4 to their farm as well as producers looking to prevent the spread of the pathogen from their farm where the fungus is already present.  

Discover more here.