31 July 2023

Upcoming public consultations for plant propagation material and combinable crops

The GLOBALG.A.P. Secretariat will soon be opening the hosting of the second public consultation period for the product categories plant propagation material.

Plant propagation material
Combinable crops
Core solutions
Fruit and vegetables
Flowers and ornamentals
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Image of a producer watering a young plant

The GLOBALG.A.P. Secretariat will soon be opening the hosting of the second public consultation period for the product categories plant propagation material and combinable crops of the Integrated Farm Assurance (IFA) standard version 6. The upcoming round is scheduled for 2 August to 22 S eptember  2023. The first public consultation period on these product categories was held from 23 J anuary to 17 March 2023.

What is a public consultation? 

Public consultation is when we ask for input and feedback from all stakeholders during the revision process of GLOBALG.A.P. standards and add-ons. This means that you – regardless of whether you are a producer, a certification body, a retailer, a consultant, or otherwise engaged in the agribusiness sector – have a chance to draw on your own experiences and let us know how potential changes to GLOBALG.A.P. standards and add-ons would affect you. 

Don’t miss this key opportunity to share your feedback with us! Click here for further details. 

“IFA v6 is GLOBALG.A.P.’s flagship standard in a new and improved format,” explains Managing Director Dr Elmé Coetzer-Boersma. “It has a simplified structure and language, extended criteria on key issues such as sustainability and animal welfare, and – for the first time – continuous improvement at producer level. Overall, it’s a smarter standard, fit for the future.” 

IFA v6 for fruit and vegetables, flowers and ornamentals, hops, and aquaculture is available now, and will become mandatory on 1 January2024. The plant propagation material and combinable crops product categories are set to launch in the second quarter of 2024. 

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