22 January 2024

Colombian working group completes first national interpretation guideline for IFA v6 for aquaculture

The Colombian National Technical Working Group published the first national interpretation guideline for version 6 of the Integrated Farm Assurance standard for aquaculture in December 2023.

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View of the fish farm. Aquaculture production.

In December 2023, the Colombian National Technical Working Group (NTWG) successfully submitted the national interpretation guideline for Integrated Farm Assurance (IFA) version 6 for aquaculture – marking the first NIG for the latest version of IFA for aquaculture.

Interpreting a global standard for local use

IFA is a global standard for responsible aquaculture practices at all stages of primary production. It is built on a holistic approach that covers the key topics of food safety, the environment (including biodiversity), animal welfare, workers’ well-being, production processes, and traceability.

The national interpretation guideline produced by the Colombian NTWG complements IFA for aquaculture by providing an interpretation of the standard based on the legal and structural conditions of the respective country.

As for all national interpretation guidelines, the guideline includes both the translation of the documents into the local language and the incorporation of national legislation that is required to complement the P&Cs. The final guidelines are relevant to both the implementation of GLOBALG.A.P. standards and add-ons and the auditing process.

Collaboration among stakeholders

The Colombian NTWG hopes that the development of a national interpretation guideline will help Colombian aquaculture producers to implement the standard’s requirements and obtain GLOBALG.A.P. certification.

Lead by ICONTEC, the Colombian NTWG was also supported by the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) Global Market Access Program (GMAP) for Colombia, and the Norwegian Agency for Development Cooperation (NORAD), Colombia Productiva, and the Colombian Ministry of Commerce, Industry, and Tourism.

“The release of the national interpretation guideline is a product of the commitment of key aquaculture stakeholders, such as authorities, government institutions, universities, international cooperation actors, and private sector representatives,” says Luz Dary Santamaría Z, Lead Standardisation Manager at ICONTEC. “It demonstrates the benefits of collaborative scenarios to enhance the sustainability of aquaculture practice. This result is highly relevant to the value chain actors; therefore, having created the national interpretation guidelines for aquaculture in Colombia, ICONTEC and UNIDO are preparing a nationwide communication campaign and a discussion agenda to include key topics within the NTWG's yearly activities.”

Related links:

Learn more about joining and/or establishing an NTWG here.

Explore all national interpretation guidelines in the GLOBALG.A.P. document center.

We would like to thank all the NTWG members involved in producing this national interpretation guideline:

1sec S.A.S.
Alimentos Concentrados Raza Ltda.
Almacenes Éxito S.A.
Asociación Colombiana De Ciencia Y Tecnología De Alimentos (Acta)
Asociación De Acuicultores De Los Llanos Orientales - Acuioriente
Atunec S.A.
Autoridad Nacional De Acuicultura Y Pesca (Aunap)
Business Excellence Consultancy S.A.S.
C.I. Piscícola Botero S.A.
C.I. Piscícola New York S.A.
Colombia Productiva
Comercializadora Internacional Piscicola New York
Corporación Centro De Investigación De La Acuicultura De Colombia - Ceniacua
Corporacion Patologia Veterinaria – Corpavet
Fao Colombia – Líder Componente De Pesca Y Acuicultura
Federación Colombiana De Acuicultores - Fedeacua
Fundacion Mar Viva
Fundacion Naturacertificacion
Fundación Universitaria Agraria De Colombia - Uniagraria
Gobernación De Antioquia
Gobernación Del Huila - Cadena Piscícola Del Huila
Huinagro S.A.S.
Instituto Colombiano Agropecuario - Ica
Instituto Colombiano De Normas Técnicas Y Certificación - Icontec
Instituto Interamericano De Cooperación Para La Agricultura - Iica
Instituto Nacional De Vigilancia De Medicamentos Y Alimentos – Invima
Instituto De Investigaciones Marinas Y Costeras Jose Benito Vives De Andreis - Invemar
Invemar – Fao, Proyecto Protección Social
Italcol S.A.
Mascontrol Consultores
Mesa Nacional De Pescadores Artesanales De Colombia
Ministerio De Agricultura Y Desarrollo Rural - Madr
Ministerio De Comercio, Industria Y Turismo - Mincit
Organizacion De Las Naciones Unidas Para El Desarrollo Industrial – Onudi
Pez Fresco De Colombia S.A.S.
Piscicola De Occidente S.A.S.
Procesadora Y Comercializadora De Alimentos S.A., Proceal S.A.
Quality And Safety Agrofoods S.A.S.
Ransa Colombia
Servicio Nacional De Aprendizaje - Sena - Mesa Del Sector Acuícola
Sgs Colombia S.A.
Solla S.A.
Tilapias Del Huila S.A.S.
Trout Co S.A.S.
Truchas Suralá S.A.S.
Universidad De Nariño - Recursos Hidrobiológicos
Universidad Del Magdalena
Vitamar S.A.
Y Expertos Técnicos/Consultores (Independientes)

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