Capacity building projects

Mainstreaming GLOBALG.A.P. in India

The GLOBALG.A.P. Secretariat, in partnership with the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ), assessed the status of Indian farms as well as producers’ awareness and interest in implementing responsible practices, in a first step toward mainstreaming GLOBALG.A.P. certifications and consumer labeling in India.

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About the project

Country:  India

Period: July 2019 - June 2020

Project partner: Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ)

Objective: GLOBALG.A.P. supported GIZ in promoting good agricultural practices and developing solutions to benefit all stakeholders in India‘s agricultural value chains, from small-holder producers to consumers.

Approach: GLOBALG.A.P. assessed the preparedness of Indian small-holder farmers in adopting GLOBALG.A.P. requirements and practices. Expectations and challenges of stakeholders were identified, and plans were developed for the implementation of responsible farming practices and certification options in India. These insights were discussed by GLOBALG.A.P. stakeholders.

SDGs addressed: #8 Decent work and economic growth, and #17 partnerships for the goals

Outcome: GLOBALG.A.P.  experts assessed 24 farms that were already being supported by Green Innovation Centers (GIC) as well as 10 non-supported control farms. Assessments revealed that producers supported by GIC used less chemical fertilizer and fewer plant protection products, but on average had a lower overall profitability due to higher costs for alternative plant protection measures. The control farms had lower production output but also lower production costs, mainly due to the lower costs of synthetic pest control products.

Stakeholders showed great interest in improving production techniques through good agricultural practices, however there was a great lack of both awareness and capacity amongst producers. Regarding demand, the importance of quality and consistent supply was discussed. Consumer awareness on safe food was also highlighted in talks surrounding consumer labelling as an option in increasing the perceived value of a product. The partners presented their findings to GIZ on farmer assessments and stakeholder consultations along with a potential roadmap for mainstreaming GLOBALG.A.P. in India.

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